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April 23rd, 2015, 10:19 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Re: Anna University TQM Important Questions

You are asking for the Anna University TQM Important Questions. The TQM is stands for Total Quality Management. Here I am uploading a file that contains the Anna University Total Quality Management Important Questions. These are as follows:

1.Define quality.
(i) Quality is defined as the predictable degree of uniformity and dependability, at
low cost suited to the market.(Deming).
(ii) Quality is defined as fitness for use(Juran).
(iii) Quality is defined as conformance to requirements (Crosby).
(iv) Quality is totality of the characteristics of entity that bear on its ability to satisfy
stated and implied needs(ISO).
2. . Define Quality?
Quality = Performance x Expectations
3. Define Total Quality?
TQM is an enhancement to the traditional way of doing business. It is the art of
managing the
whole to achieve excellence. It is defined both a philosophy and a set of guiding
that represent the foundation of a continuously improving organization. It is the
application of
quantitative methods and human resources to improve all the processes within an
organization and exceed customer needs now and in the future. It integrates
management techniques, existing improvement efforts, and technical tools under a
4. Give the Basic Concepts of TQM?
*A committed and involved management to provide long-term top-tobottom
*An unwavering focuses on the customer, both internally and externally.
*Effective involvement and utilization of the entire work force.
*Continuous improvement of the business and production process.
*Treating suppliers as partners.
*Establish performance measures for the processes.
5. List the dimensions of quality.
The dimensions of quality are
1. Performance
2. Futures
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3. Conformance
4. Reliability
5. Durability
6. Service
7. Response
8. Aesthetics and
9. Repetition.
6. . What are the three components of the Juran Trilogy?
The three components of the Juran Trilogy are
i. Planning
ii. Control
iii. Improvement

6. . What are the three components of the Juran Trilogy?
The three components of the Juran Trilogy are
i. Planning
ii. Control
iii. Improvement
7.what are the six basic concepts that a successful TQM programme
The six basic concepts that a successful TQM programme requires
1. Top management commitment
2. Focus on the customer
3. Effective employee involvement
4. Continuous improvement
5. Treating suppliers as partners and
6. Establishing performance measures.
8.What are the pillars of TQM?
The four pillars of TQM are:
1. Problem solving discipline
2. Interpersonal skills
3. Teamwork and
4. Quality improvement process
9.Give the Objectives of TQM?
a. To develop a conceptual understanding of the basic principles and methods
with TQM;
b. To develop an understanding of how these principles and methods have been put
effect in a variety of organizations;
c. To develop an understanding of the relationship between TQM principles and the
theories and models studied in traditional management;
d. To do the right things, right the first time, every time.
10. Give the Quality Hierarchy?
1. Inspection
2. Quality Control (QC)
3. Quality Assurance (QA)
4. Total Quality Management
Inspect products.
Finding &
Fixing Mistakes.
11.Tabulate the tangible and intangible benefits of TQM.
tangible Benefits
_ Improved product quality
_ Improved productivity
_ Reduced quality costs
_ Increased market and
_ Increased profitability
_ Reduced employee grievances
Intangible Benefits
Improved employee participation
_ Improved teamwork
_ Improved working relationships
_ Improved customer satisfaction
_ Improved communication
_ Enhancement of job interest
_ Enhanced problem-solving
_ Better company image
12. What does a typical meeting agenda contain after establishing the TQM?
Progress report on teams
Customer satisfaction report
Progress on meeting goals
New project teams
Recognition dinner
Benchmarking report
1. Explain the basic concepts of TQM?
2. Elucidate the tqm framework and awareness.
3. What are the obstacles in implementing the tqm?
4. How do the dimensions of a quality of a product influence the acceptability?
5. A/C for the Historical review of tqm?
6. What are the benefits of tqm?
7. Elucidate the characteristics of quality leaders?
8. Explain Juran’s ‘Quality Trilogy’ in detail.
9. Elaborate the Deming philosophy
10 Describe the evolution of management.
11 Enumerate the Deming’s 14 points of management.
1.Who are internal and external customers?
The customers inside the company are called internal customers, whereas the
customers outside the company a called external customers.
2. What are the customer’s perceptions on quality?
The six important customer’s perceptions are:
(i) Performance
(ii) Features
(iii) Service
(iv) Warranty
(v) Price and
(vi) Reputation.
3. List the various tools used for collecting customer complaints.
The various tools used are:
1. Comment card.
2. 2.Customer questionnaire
3. Focus groups
4. Toll-free telephone numbers
5. Report cards
6. The Internet and computer etc.
4. What is meant by customer retention?
Customer retention is the process of retaining the existing customers.
5. What is motivation?
Motivation means a process of stimulation people to accomplish desired goals.
6.What are the Maslow’s basic needs?
Maslow’s basic needs are:
4.Esteem and
5.Self-actualization needs.
7. What are physiological needs?
Physiological needs are the biological needs required to preserve human life.
These needs include needs for food, clothing and shelter
8.List the Herzberg’s motivators and dissatisfies.
Motivator factors Dissatisfier or hygiene factors
_ Achievement
_ Recognition
_ The work itself
_ Responsibility
_ Advancement and growth.
_ Supervisors
_ Working conditions
_ Interpersonal relationships
_ Pay and security
_ Company policy and
9. Define empowerment. (Au Nov 05)
Empowerment is an environment in which people have the ability, the
confidence, and the commitment to take the responsibility and ownership to
improve the process and initiate the necessary steps to satisfy customers
requirements within well defined boundaries in order to achieve organizational
values and goals.
10. What are the conditions necessary for empowerment?
The conditions required are:
1. Everyone must understand the need for change.
2. The system needs to change to the new paradigm.
3. The organization must provide information, education and still to its
11. Define team and teamwork.
_ A team can be defined as a group of people working together to achieve
common objectives or goals.
_ Teamwork is the cumulative actions of the team during which each member
of the team subordinates his individual interests and opinions to fulfill the
objectives or goals of the group.
12. List the different types of teams.
The different types of teams are
1.Process improvement team
2.Cross-functional team
3.Natural work team and
4.Self-directed work team.
13.Name different members in a team.
The different members in a team are
1.Team leader
4.Timekeeper and 5.Member
14.What is needed for a leader to be effective?
To be effective, a leader needs to know and understand the following:
-_People, paradoxically, need security and independence at the same time.
-People are sensitive to external rewards and punishments and yet are also
strongly self-motivated.
-People like to hear a kind word of praise.
-_People can process only a few facts at a time; thus, a leader needs to keep
things simple.
-People trust their gut reaction more than statistical data.
-_People distrust a leader’s rhetoric if the words are inconsistent with the
leader’s actions.
15. What is the important role of senior management?
-Listening to internal and external customers and suppliers through visits,
focus groups and surveys.
-To drive fear out of the organization, break down barriers, remove system
roadblocks, anticipate and minimize resistance to change and in general,
change the culture.
16.. Give the basic steps to strategic quality planning?
i. Customer needs
ii. Customer positioning
iii. Predict the future
iv. Gap analysis
v. Closing the gap
vi. Alignment
vii. Implementation
17. What is meant by recognition in an organization?
Recognition is a process whereby management shows acknowledgement of a
employee’s outstanding performance.
18.Classify rewards.
1.Intrinsic rewards: These are related to feelings of accomplishment or selfworth.
2.Extrinsic rewards: These are related to pay or compensation issues.
19.What is performance appraisal? ( Au June 06)
Performance appraisal is a systematic and objective assessment or evaluation
of performance and contribution of an individual.
20.List four common barriers to team progress.
The four common barriers to team progress
1.Insufficient training
2.Incompatible rewards and compensation
3.Lack of management support
21. Give the steps involved in training process?
The steps involved in training process are
1. Make everyone aware of what the training is all about.
2. Get acceptance.
3. Adapt the program.
4. Adapt to what has been agreed upon.
22. Define Recognition and Reward?
Recognition is a form of employee motivation in which the organization
Publicly acknowledges the positive contributions an individual or team has
made to the success of the organization.
Reward is something tangible to promote desirable behavior. Recognition
and reward go together to form a system for letting people know they are
Members of the organization.
23. What are the types of appraisal formats?
The types of appraisal formats are
i. Ranking
ii. Narrative
iii. Graphic
iv. Forced choice
24. What are the benefits of employee involvement?
The benefits of employee involvement are
Employee Involvement improves quality and increases productivity because
ı_Employees make better decisions using their expert knowledge of the
ı_Employees are more likely to implement and support decisions they had a
part in making.
ı_Employees are better able to spot and pinpoint areas for improvement.
25. What are the basic ways for a continuous process improvement?
The basic ways for a continuous process improvement are
ı_Reduce resources
ı_Reduce errors
ı_Meet or exceed expectations of downstream customers
ı_Make the process safer
ı_Make the process more satisfying to the person doing it.
26. What are the three components of the Juran Trilogy?
The three components of the Juran Trilogy are
i. Planning
ii. Control
iii. Improvement
27. What are the steps in the PDSA cycle?
The steps in the PDSA cycle are
The basic Plan-Do-Study-Act is an effective improvement technique.
1. Plan carefully what is to be done
2. Carry out the plan
3. Study the results
4. Act on the results by identifying what worked as planned and what
28. What are the phases of a Continuous Process Improvement Cycle?
The phases of a Continuous Process Improvement Cycle are
a) Identify the opportunity
b) Analyze the process
c) Develop the optimal solutions
d) Implement
e) Study the results
f) Standardize the solution
g) Plan for the future
29. What are the three key elements to a partnering relationship?
The three key elements to a partnering relationship are
i. Long-term commitment
ii. Trust
iii. Shared vision
30. What are the objectives of Performance measures?
The objectives of Performance measures are
i. Establish baseline measures and reveal trends.
ii. Determine which processes need to be improved.
iii. Indicate process gains and losses.
iv. Compare goals with actual performance.
v. Provide information for individual and team evaluation.
vi. Provide information to make informed decisions.
vii. Determine the overall performance of the organization.

31 What are the characteristics used to measure the performance of a
The characteristics used to measure the performance of a particular
Process are
i. Quantity
ii. Cost
iii. Time
iv. Accuracy
v. Function
vi. Service
vii. Aesthetics
32.Define 5S?
5S Philosophy focuses on effective work place organization and standardized
work procedures. 5S simplifies your work environment, reduces waste and non-value
activity while improving quality efficiency and safety.
Sort – (Seiri) the first S focuses on eliminating unnecessary items from the
Set In Order (Seiton) is the second of the 5Ss and focuses on efficient and effective
storage methods.
Shine: (Seiso) Once you have eliminated the clutter and junk that has been clogging
work areas and identified and located the necessary items, the next step is to
clean the work area.
Standardize: (Seiketsu) Once the first three 5S’s have been implemented, you
concentrate on standardizing best practice in your work area.
Sustain: (Shitsuke) This is by far the most difficult S to implement and achieve.
Once fully implemented, the 5S process can increase morale, create positive
on customers, and increase efficiency and organization.
33.What is a Kaizen?
Kaizen is a Japanese word for the philosophy that defines management’s role in
encouraging and implementing small improvements involving everyone. It is the
process of
continuous improvement in small increments that make the process more efficient,
under control and adaptable.
1.Explain the following
a. 5 s
b. kaizen
c. supplier rating and relationship development.
2. what are the customer perception of quality ?
3. Explain how the employee will be involved in doing a process?
4.Describe the various quality statements.
5.Discuss about Moslow’s need hierarchy theory and Herzberg’s two factor theory
6.What are the seven steps of strategic planning ?
7.what are the principles of customer / supplier relations ?
8.Enumerate any eight actions that an organization shall take to handle complaints.
9.. Explain in detail about various methods used for obtaining customer feedback.
10. What are the techniques commonly used for performance measures ?
1.Give the seven tools of quality?
i. Pareto Diagram
ii. Process Flow Diagram
iii. Cause-and-Effect Diagram
iv. Check Sheets
v. Histogram
vi. Control Charts
vii. Scatter Diagrams
2.. Define Statistics?
Statistics is defined as the science that deals with the collection, tabulation,
analysis, interpretation, and presentation of quantitative data.
3. What is a measure of central tendency?
A measure of central tendency of a distribution is a numerical value that
describes the central position of the data or how the data tend to build up in the
There are three measures in common in use in quality viz, the average, the median
the mode.
4. What is Measures of dispersion?
Measures of dispersion describe how the data are spread out or scattered on
each side of the central value. The measures of dispersion used are range and
5. What is a normal curve?
The normal curve is a symmetrical, unimodal, bell-shaped distribution with
the mean, median and mode having the same value.
6. What is the use of the control chart?
The control chart is used to keep a continuing record of a particular quality
characteristic. It is a picture of process over time.
7. Give the objectives of the attribute charts?
i. Determine the average quality level.
ii. Bring to the attention of management any changes in the average.
iii. Improve the product quality.
iv. Evaluate the quality performance of operating and management personnel.
v. Determine acceptance criteria of a product before shipment to the customer.
8. Define Six Sigma Problem Solving Method?
Define - improvement opportunity with an emphasis on increasing customer
Measure - determine process capability (Cp/ Cpk) & dpmo (defects per million
Analyze - identify the vital few process input variables that affect key product output
variables (“Finding the knobs”).
Improve - Make changes to process settings, redesign processes, etc. to reduce the
number of defects of key output variables.
Control - Implement process control plans, install real-time process monitoring tools,
standardize processes to maintain levels.
9. What are the new seven management tools?
i. Affinity Diagram
ii. Interrelationship Digraph
iii. Tree Diagram
iv. Matrix Diagram
v. Prioritization Matrices
vi. Process Decision Program Chart
vii. Activity Network diagram
10. Define Benchmarking?
Benchmarking is a systematic method by which organizations can
measure themselves against the best industry practices. The essence of
benchmarking is
the process of borrowing ideas and adapting them to gain competitive advantage. It
is a
tool for continuous improvement.
11. Enumerate the steps to benchmark?
a) Decide what to benchmark
b) Understand current performance
c) Plan
d) Study others
e) Learn from the data
f) Use the findings
12. What are the types of benchmarking?
i. Internal
ii. Competitive
iii. Process
13.What are the four basic steps included in SPC?
The four basic steps included in SPC are
a. Measuring the process
b. Eliminating variances in the process to make it consistent.
c. Monitoring the process.
d. Improving the process to its best target value.
14.Mention the seven basic tools involved in statistic quality control.
The seven tools involved in statistical quality control. They are,
a. Pareto diagram
b. Check sheet
c. Cause and effect diagrams
d. Scatter diagram
e. Histogram
f. Control charts
g. Graphs
15.What is Pareto chart?
A Pareto chart is a special form of a bar graph and is used to display the relative
importance of problems or conditions.
16.Give some applications of Pareto chart.
The applications of Pareto chart are,
a. Focusing on critical issues by ranking them in terms of importance and
frequency (Example: which course causes the most difficulty for students?; which
problem with product X is most significant to out customers?)
b. Prioritizing problems or causes to efficiently initiate problem solving (Example:
which discipline problems should be tackled first? or what is the most frequent
complaint by parents, regarding the school? solution of what production problem
will improve quality most?)
17.What is the use of SPC?
SPC is used to monitor the consistency of processes used to manufacture a
product as designed.
18.Define check sheet. Mention its uses.
The check sheet is a data gathering and interpretation tool.
A check sheet is used for,
a. Distinguishing between fact and opinion (Example: How does the community
perceive the effectiveness of the school in preparing students for the world of
b. Gathering data about how often a problem is occurring? (Example: How
often are students missing classes?)
c. Gathering data about the type of problem occurring. (Example: What is the
most common type of word processing error created by the students-grammar,
punctuation, transposing letter etc.?)
19.What are the uses of cause and effect diagram?
A cause and effect diagram is used for,
a. Identifying potential causes of a problem or issue in an orderly way.
(Example: why has membership in the band decreased? Why isn’t the
phone4 being answered on time? Why is the production process
suddenly producing so many defects?)
b. Summarizing major causes under four categories. (Example: People,
machines, methods and materials or policies, procedures, people and
20.What is scatter diagram?
A scatter diagram is used to interpret data by graphically displaying the
relationship between two variables.
21.Lsit some applications of scatter diagram.
The applications of scatter diagram
a. Validating ‘hunches’ about a cause-and-effect relationship between types
of variables (examples: I wonder if students who spend more time watching TV
having higher or lower average GPA’s? IS there a relationship between the
production speed of an n operator and the number of defective parts made? Is
there relationship between typing speed in WPM and errors made?)
b. Displaying the direction of the relationship (positive negative, etc).
(Examples: will test scores increase or decrease if the students spend more
time in study hall? Will increasing assembly line speed, increase or decrease
the number of defective parts made? Do faster typists make more or fewer
typing errors?)
c. defective parts produced? How strong is the relationship between typing
faster and the number of typing errors made?).

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