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July 14th, 2014, 01:53 PM
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Re: B.Sc Computer Science previous year question papers of University of Kerala

As you want to get the B.Sc Computer Science previous year question papers of University of Kerala so here it is for you:

This section contains FOUR bunches each of Four questions.
I. Answer ALL questions. Each bunch carries a weightage of one. Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives.

A) 1) MYCIN is developed for
a) Blood pressure b) Underground minerals
b) Meningitis and infectious blood diseases d) Ferrite identification.

2) PTRANS represents
a) Physical transfer of one location to another b) focussing attention of an object.
c) Grasping object tightly d) None of the above
3) The data structure used for semantic network is
a) Tree b) Graph c) Array d) Queue

4) Conceptual graphs are used for
a) representing concepts b) representing time

c) representing space d) none of the above.
B) 5) The valid relations of semantic network is
a) isa b) member of c) subset of d) all of the above.
6) Meta knowledge is
a) study no nature knowledge b) knowledge about knowledge c) study of types of knowledge d) none of the above.
7) Which of the following is not level of knowledge representation a) mental image b) written text c) character string d) none of the above.
8) Combinatorial explosion problem is encountered in

a) Chess b) travelling salesman c) 8 Queen d) none of the above.
C) 9) PROLOG is the abbreviation of ______________
10) Each frame has _______ slots
11) An agent that exhibits properties of more than one agent type is _______
12) A computer program invented in 1950s uses means-end analysis to solve logical problems is _______

True or FALSE
13) A wff which is true for some interpretation is unsatisfiable and wff which is false under every interpretation is said to be satisfiable.
14) A conceptual graph is a finite, connected bipartite graph.
15) Parser is an algorithm for analyzing sentences given a grammar.
16) Inference engine controls the process of deriving conclusions and recommended actions from a set of rules and facts.

(4 x 1 = 4 Weights)
Short answer.
II. Answer any 8 questions out of 12.

17) Differentiate local maxima and global maxima.
18) What are constraint satisfaction problems?
19) Explain Turing Test.
20) Use a truth table to show that, in propositional logic, P→Q can be rewritten as ¬P˅Q.
21) What is tautology ?
22) What is conceptual dependency ?
23) Differentiate procedural and declarative representation.
24) What is resolution ?
25) List major limitations of computer vision.
26) What is speech recognition ?
27) Give the components present in the architecture of an expert system.
28) What are Robots ?
(8 x 1 = 8 Weights)

Short Essay / Paragraph.
III Answer any 5 questions out of 8.
29) What is alpha-beta pruning ?
30) Differentiate forward and backward chaining.
31) When is a logical system described as sound ?
32) Draw the truth table for the following expression ¬A ˄ (A˅B) ˄ (B ˅ C).
33) What is Herbrand’s interpretation ?
34) What are the various Fuzzy set operators ?
35) What are the properties of software agents ?
36) What is image acquisition and processing ?
(5 x 2 = 10 Weights)

Long Essay
IV. Answer any 2 questions out of 3.
37) Explain the various search methods.
38) Create a script about shopping in a supermarket.
39) Give the features of MYCIN and DENDRAL.
(2 x 4 = 8 Weights)

[This section contains four bunches each of FOUR questions. Answer ALL questions.
Each bunch carries a weightage of ONE]
1. The number of bits that a computer can process at a time in parallel is called
(a) bit (b) byte (c) word length (d) megabyte
2. The component that allows a computer to retain data permanently is known as
(a) CPU (b) Memory (c) Mass Storage Device (d) VDU
3. Areas in a computer where data and instructions are held temporarily during
processing is called
(a) register (b) RAM (c) ROM (d) CPU
4. ASCII codes upto
(a) 7 characters (b) 8 characters (c) 256 characters (d) 128 characters

5. The two types of RAM are
(a) Volatile and non volatile (b) erasable and programmable (c) static and dynamic
(d) none of these
6. An example for auxillary storage is
(a) RAM (b) ROM (c) Hard disk (d) all of these
7. The input device that uses a light sensitive detector to select objects on a display
screen is
(a) touch screen (b) touch pad (c) Light pen (d) Joystick
8. Which of the following are video standards
(a) VGA (b) SVGA (c) XGA (d) all of these

9. The ability of an operating system to execute different parts of a program is called
(a) multitasking (b) multiuser (c) multithreading (d) multiprocessing
10. A time sharing system is also called as a
(a) multitasking (b) multiuser (c) multithreading (d) multiprocessing
11. Software programs written on read only ROM is called
(a) hardware (b) software (c) firmware (d) spyware
12 .An example of a GUI system is
(a) DOS (b) UNIX (c) WINDOWS (d) none of these

13. Internet addresses are numerical and are called
(a) DNS (b) IP address (c) URL (d) Domain address
14. Which of the following is a search engine
(a) Bing (b) Internet Explorer (c) Mozilla Fire fox(d) Netscape
15. World Wide Web is made of documents created with
(a) HTML (b) FTP (c) HTTP (d) URL
16. Formatted text can be sent in email as
(a) FTP (b) HTML (c) attachment (d) none of these
Weights-(4 x 1 = 4)

Short answer
(Answer any 8 questions out of 12) Weightage: 4 per question
17. What is a workstation?
18. State two characteristics of digital signals.
19. What is a MODEM?
20. What is a binary digit?
21. What is flash memory?
22. Give differences between CD – R and CD – RW.
23. Expand the term POST
24. State features of a GUI system
25. What is LaTeX?
26. What is HTTP?
27. Name two popular E mail software
28. What is a URL?

Weights-(8 x 1 = 8)

Short Essay / paragraph
(Answer any 5 questions out of 8) Weightage: 2 per question
29. Describe the Von Neumann model.
30. Classify computers according to size.
31. Differentiate between RAM and ROM.
32. Distinguish between CRT and LCD.
33. Compare Compilers and Interpreters.
34. Differentiate between a word processor and spreadsheet.
35. List the various types of internet connections.
36. Distinguish between Internet and WWW.

` Weights-(5 x 2 = 10)

Long Essay
(Answer any 2 questions out of 3) Weightage: 4 per question
37. Give a brief history on the evolution of computers
38. Classify the various types of Operating Systems.
39. Describe the components required in building a network.
Weights-(2 x 4 = 8)

Digital Electronics & Data Communication

[This section contains four bunches each of FOUR questions. Answer ALL questions.
Each bunch carries a weightage of ONE]

1. Digital circuits mostly use
a. Diodes b. Bipolar transistors c. Diode & Bipolar transistors d. Bipolar transistors & FETs
2. A karnaugh map with 4 variables has
a. 2 cells b. 4 cells c. 8 cells d.16 cells
3. The term VLSI generally refers to a digital IC having
a. more than 1000 gates b. more than 100 gates
c. more than 1000 but less than 9999 d. more than 100 but less than 999 gates
4. Boolean Algebra obeys
a. commutative law b. associative law c. distributive law
d. commutative, associative, distributive law

5. The total number of input states for 4 input or gate is
a.20 b.16 c.12 d. 8
6. AB+AB'=
a. B b. A c.l d. 0
7. The digit F in Hexadecimal system is equivalent to - - in decimal system
a.16 b.15 c.17 d.8
8. TTL uses
a. multi emitter transistors b. multi collector transistors
c. multi base transistors d. multi emitter or collector transistors

9. Octal number 12 is equal to decimal number
a.8 b.ll c.9 d. none
10. Parallel adder is
a. sequential circuits b. combinational circuits
c. either sequential or combinational circuits d. none of above
11. The number of inputs and outputs in a full adder are
a. 2 and 1 b. 2 and 2 c. 3 and 3 d. 3 and 2
12. Which display device resembles vacuum tube
a. LED b. LCD c. VF d. none of the above

13. Which device has one input and many outputs
a. flip flop b. multiplexer c. demultiplexer d. counter
14. In a JK flip flop toggle means
a. set Q=l and Q'=O b. set Q=O and Q'=l c. change the output to the opposite state
d. no change in input
15. The simplest register is
a. buffer register b. shift register c. controlled buffer register d. bidirectional register
16. An 8 bit binary number is to be entered into an 8 bit serial shift register. The number of
clock pulses required is
a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 8

Section B
Short answer
Answer 8 out of 12
Weightage: 1 per question
17. What is function of Overflow bit.
18. How to build derived gate.
19. List out the basic lows of Boolean algebra.
20. What is clocked D flip-flop?
21. What is J-K flip-flop?
22. Explain l's & 2' s compliment.
23. What are inductors?
24. What do you mean by fanout?
25. What are oscillators and where it is used?
26. What are shift registers?
27. What is a truth table, give an example.
28. What do you mean by SSI and MSI

Short Essay / paragraph
Answer 5 out of 8
Weightage: 2 per question
29. Explain Gray code in brief?
30. Describe ASCII code in detail.
31. Convert (268.75)10 to binary, octal, hexadecimal A92H
32. What is RC Coupled Feedback Amplifiers?
33. What are the uses of Resistors and Capacitors?
34. What are the challenges of Floating point representation?
35. What do you mean by Universal Gates?
36. Write a short note in full and half adders.

Long Essay
Answer 2 out of 3
Weightage: 4 per question
37. What are flip flops? Explain the different types of flip flops with neat diagrams.
38. Explain the different types of multiplexers and demultiplexers and describe advantages
and disadvantages of multiplexer and demultiplexer.
39. What are Karnaugh maps. Explain the use of Karnaugh maps with suitable example.

[This section contains four bunches each of FOUR questions. Answer ALL questions.
Each bunch carries a weightage of ONE]
Choose the most correct answer from the given alternatives.
1. Which of the following #define statement is valid?
(a) #define x=10 (b) #define x 10; (c) #define x 10 (d) # Define x 10
2. Which of the following is invalid variable name?
(a) &name (b) avg (c) row total (d) sum1
3. The statement i* = 3 is equivalent to
(a) i =3* (b) i=3 (c) i = i * 3 (d) none of these
4. While loop is _____ control loop.
(a) exit (b) entry (c) count (d) all of these

5. The goto statement causes control to go to
(a) an operator (b) a label (c) a variable (d) a function
6. A semi colon in c acts as
(a) a program terminator (b) statement terminator (c) function terminator
(d) all of these
7. The normal flow of execution of statement in a program is
(a) sequential (b) random (c) conditional (d) none of these
8. Which of the following is a numeric one dimensional array
(a) numeric array (b) int array (c) vector (d) matrix

9. How many variables can be initialized at a time.
(a) one (b) two (c) five (d) any number
10. Each case statement in switch () is separated by
(a) break (b) continue (c) goto (d) none of these
11. The string always end with
(a) \0 (b) 0\ (c) \ (d) none of these
12. Which is the correct way to declare a pointer?
(a) Int *ptr (b) int ptr* (c) * int ptr (d) none of these

13. If a storage class is not mentioned in the declaration then default storage class is
(a) automatic (b) external (c) register (d) static
14. Number of bytes required for enumerated data type in memory is
(a) 2 bytes (b) 4 bytes (c) one byte (d) 3 bytes
15. The union holds :
(a) one object at a time (b) multiple objects (c) both a and b
(d) none of these
16. int *p; p is having the address 2340. What will be the value of p after the execution of
the statements p++; p=p-3;
(a) 2340 (b) 2342 (c) 2338 (d) 2336

Section B
Short answer
Answer 8 out of 12
Weightage: 1 per question
17. What is the difference between two operator = and = =? Explain with example.
18. Differentiate between call by value and call by reference.
19. Write a C statement to evaluate the equation h = b2 + a 2.
20. Distinguish between logical and bitwise operators.
21. What are the escape sequences?
22. Write a program to find the simple interest. Inputs are Principal amount, period
and rate of interest.
23. What is a loop? Why it is necessary in the program?
24. Mention the difference between character array and integer array
25. What is preprocessor directive?
26. How are structure elements are stored in memory?
27. Explain the importance of bit field.
28. Compare between printf and f printf function.

Short Essay / paragraph
Answer 5 out of 8
Weightage: 2 per question
29. What is initialization? Why is it important?
30. Describe the four basic data types. Explain it with suitable example.
31. Write a program to find the sum of the squares of 10 numbers.
32. How does an append mode differs from a write mode?
33. What is a union in C? How data is stored using union?
34. Write a program to arrange a list of numbers in ascending order using function.
35. What is recursion? Explain types of recursions.
36. What is the NULL character? Why is it important?

Long Essay
Answer 2 out of 3
Weightage: 4 per question
37. Write a program to combine contents of two files in a third file. Add the line
number at the beginning of each line.
38. Write a program to add two matrices using pointers.
39. Explain various predefined macros in ctype.h

Contact Details:
University of Kerala
Palayam Airport Road,
Near Aasan Square,
Kerala 695037 ‎
0471 230 5994 ‎

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