2024 2025 EduVark > Education Discussion > General Discussion

April 8th, 2017, 10:49 AM
Guest User
Bu gpo mba

Can you provide contact number of Graduate Program Office (GPA) of Boston University (BU)? Give list of all Concentrations offered by MBA Program offered at Boston University (BU)?
April 8th, 2017, 11:20 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: Mar 2012
Re: Bu gpo mba

As you want information about MBA Program offered by Boston University (BU), so here I am providing list of all Concentration:

Boston University MBA Concentrations:
Energy & Environmental Sustainability
Operations & Technology Management

List of MBA Courses:

AC814 Financial Statement Analysis & Investor Decisions OB712/713/715, AC710/711/712, QM711/716/717, MK713/723/724, FE717/721/722 FIN Fall (Day) | Spring (Evening) |
AC830 Managerial Accounting OB712/713/715, PL714/727/FE730, AC710/711/712, QM711/716/717, OM710/725/726, MK713/723/724, FE717/721/722, IS710/711/716 Fall (Evening)
AC841 Advanced Accounting AC710/711/712, AC847 and AC848 (or concurrently) Spring (Day) | Summer 1 (Day)
AC847 Intermediate Accounting 1 AC710/711/712 Fall (Day) | Spring (Day) | Summer 1 (Day)
AC848 Intermediate Accounting 2 AC847 Fall (Day) | Spring (Day)
AC860 Accounting Risk Management None Fall (Day)
AC865 Aduting Issues and Problems AC865 (previous or concurrent) Fall (Evening) | Spring (Evening) | Summer 1 (Day)
AC869 Principles of Income Taxation 1 AC710/711/712 Fall (Day) | Spring (Day)
AC879 Income Taxation 2 AC869 Spring (Day)
FE810 Finance 2 FE721/722 FIN FIN Mod 4
FE820 Corporate Financial Management FE721/722 FIN | SI FIN Fall (Day) | Fall (Evening) | Spring (Evening) | Summer 1 (Evening)
FE821 Advanced Corporate Finance FE721/722, FE820 FIN Spring (Evening)
FE822 Fixed Income Markets FE721/722 FIN Fall (Evening)
FE823 Investments FE721/722 FIN FIN Fall (Day) | Spring (Evening) | Summer 1 (Evening)
FE825 Advanced Topics in Investments FE721/722, FE727/730
FE823 FIN Spring (Day)
FE827 International Financial Management FE721/722 FIN | IM Fall (Evening)
FE829 Futures, Options and
Financial Risk Management FE721/722 FIN Spring (Day) | Spring (Evening)
FE850 Private Equity: Leveraged Buyouts FE810, FE820 strongly encouraged ENT | FIN Spring (Day)
FE854 Entrepreneurial Finance
formerly SI854 AC710/711, FE721/722 ENT Spring (Evening)
OM854 Supply Chain Management OM725/726 MBA+MSDi OTM Spring (Day) | Spring (Evening)
OM855 Project Management OM725/726 MBA+MSDi LOT | OTM OTM Fall (Day) | Fall (Evening) | Spring (Evening) | Summer 1 (Evening)
IS754 Human Centered Design Varies
IS756 Digital Product Build Varies
QM880 Business Analytics: Spreadsheet
Optimization and Simulation QM716/717 MBA+MSDi OTM Fall (Evening) | Spring (Day) | Spring (Evening) | Summer 2 (Evening)
SI839 Design Thinking and Innovation none MBA+MSDi ENT | LOT | MK | SIJanuary (Intensive) | Spring (Day) | Spring (Evening) | Summer 1 (Intensive)
SI845 Technology Strategy AC710/711, QM716/717
PL727/FE730, MK723/724
OM725/726, FE721/722 MBA+MSDi ENT | SI Fall (Evening)
SI871 Strategies for Bringing Technology to Market none MBA+MSDi ENT | SISpring (Evening)
OM865 Idea Lab OM725/726, MK723/724 MBA+MSDi | HSM ENT | OTM Fall (Intensive)
SI814 Intellectual Property Strategies OB712/713, MK723/724
QM716/717, AC710/711
or instructor permission MBA+MSDi | HSM ENT | SI January (Intensive) | Spring (Day)
OM840 Managing and Improving Quality: Lean Six Sigma Green Belt CertificationOM725/726, QM716/717 MBA+MSDi | HSM LOT | OTM Spring (Intensive) | Mod 4 | Spring (Evening)
IS714 Mastering IT Strategy none MBA+MSDi MBA+MSDi Fall (Evening)
IS717 IT Applications in Management none
Spring Intensives MBA+MSDi MBA+MSDi Spring (Intensive)
IS890 Digital Practicum Spring (Evening)
HM833 Health Sector Marketing AC710/711, MK723/724 HSM MK Fall (Evening)
HM840 Health Sector Consulting none HSM Fall (Evening)
IM851 European Field Seminar 12 credits of MBA course work completed at QuestromIM | MK Spring Field Seminar
MK842 Digital Marketing Analytics MK723/724 MK Spring (Evening)
IS827 Platforms and Information Markets IS710/711, FE727/730
SI750/751 or
instructor permission MBA+MSDi ENT | SI Spring (Evening)
IS828 Managing Information Security none MBA+MSDi Spring (Evening)
MK853 Global Strategic Marketing MK723/724 IM | MK | SI Spring (Evening)
MK854 Branding MK723/724 ENT | MK | SI Fall (Evening) | Mod 4 | Summer 1 (Intensive)
MK856 Consumer Behavior MK723/724 ENT | MK Spring (Day) | Spring (Evening)
IS833 The Analytic Enterprise none MBA+MSDi MBA+MSDi Mod 4
MK864 Pricing Strategy and Tactics MK723/724, PL727/FE730
QM716/717 ENT | MK | SI Spring (Intensive)
MK867 Marketing Social Change MK723/724 PNP EES | MK Fall (Evening)
MK870 Luxury Marketing (pilot) MK Fall (Evening)
MK875 Retailing and Omni-Channel Marketing none ENT | MK Varies
MK878 Managing Marketing Spending MK723/724, QM716/717, MK852 or IS833MK Spring (Day)
HM848 Driving Health Sector Innovation none HSM Spring (Evening)
PL815 Competitive Decision Making
formerly FE815 none ENT | FIN | SI Varies
PL834 Macroeconomics in the Global Environment none FIN | IM Spring (Evening)
PL845 Improving Your Decisions none Spring (Evening)
PL851 Sustainable Energy Business Models and Policies EES Fall (Evening)
PL852 Electricity Industry Strategy Fall (Evening)
PL861 Emerging Issues in Business Law none ENT Summer 1 (Evening)
PL882 Public Policy Analysis PL727/FE730 PNP EES | SI Fall (Evening)
HM703 Health Sector Issues
and Opportunities none HSM ENT HSM Fall (Evening) | Mod 4
IM852 Latin America Field Seminar 12 credits of MBA course work completed at Questrom PNP EES | IM Spring Field Seminar
IM853 Indian Field Seminar 12 credits of MBA course work completed at Questrom HSMIM Spring Field Seminar
OB830 Leading the Mission-Driven Organization none PNP ENT | LOT Spring (Evening)
OB835 Leading Sustainable Enterprises none PNP EES | LOT Fall (Evening)
OB838 Global Strategic Human Resources Management OB712/713 LOT Spring (Evening) | Summer 1 (Evening)
OB840 Management Consulting Field Project none PNP EES | LOT | SI Fall (Day)
OB841 Fundamentals of Nonprofit Management
formerly AC840 AC710/711 PNP PNP Fall (Evening) | Mod 4
OB844 Managing Organizational Change OB712/713 ENT | LOT Fall (Evening) | Spring (Day)
OB848 The Leadership Challenge OB712/713 ENT | LOT Fall (Evening) | Spring (Day) | Spring (Evening)
OB853 Negotiations OB712/713 ENT | LOT Fall (Day) | Fall (Evening) | Spring (Intensive) | Mod 4 | Spring (Evening) | Summer 2 (Evening)
PL837 Strategic Fundraising and Corporate Philanthropy none PNP Spring (Evening)
PL850 Social Entrepreneurship AC710/711, OB712/713
MK723/724, FE721/722
OM725/726, QM716/717
IS710/711, FE727/730
SI750/751 PNP ENT | LOT | SI Spring (Evening)
HM710 Health Service Delivery:
Strategies, Solutions and Execution HM703 HSM ENT Fall (Evening)
HM717 Drugs, Devices and
Diagnostics: New Challenges,
Strategies and Execution HM703, FE721/722
MK723/724, SI750/751 HSM ENT Fall (Evening)
IS841 Advanced Business Analytics: Data Mining none MBA+MSDi MK Fall (Evening)
IM845 Asian Field Seminar 12 credits of MBA course work completed at Questrom IM | OTM Varies
IS854 Practicing IT Strategy, Management and Delivery none MBA+MSDi Spring (Evening)
OM845 Clean Technologies and Supply Chains OM725/726 PNP EES | ENT | OTMSpring (Evening)
IS855 Digital Transformation: Immersive Interactions and Insights at Silicon ValleyIS710/711
Spring Intensive MBA+MSDi EES Spring Field Seminar
IS860 The Analytic Consulting Enterprise IS833, IS841 MBA+MSDi ENT | IMSpring (Evening)
IS883 Designing Systems for Data Management IS705, IS707, IS889
Spring Intensive MBA+MSDi MBA+MSDi Fall (Day)
OM880 Product Design and Development OM725/726 ENT | MK | OTM Fall (Evening)
IS889 Telecommunications & Business Networks none
Summer Intensive MBA+MSDi Varies
HM801 Bench-to-Bedside: Translating Biomedical
Innovation from the Laboratory to the Marketplace none HSM ENT Fall (Evening)
MK845 Social Media Marketing MK723/724 MBA+MSDi ENT | MK Fall (Day) | Spring (Evening) | Summer 2 (Intensive)
SI830 Corporate Strategies for Growth SI750/751 LOT | SI Fall (Day) | Mod 4 |Spring (Evening)
SI835 Real Estate Management QM716/717, OM725/726,
MK723/724, FE721/722 ENT Fall (Evening)
SI836 Foundations of Environmental Sustainability PL727/FE730 PNP EES | ENT | SIEES Mod 4 |Spring (Evening)
MK852 Data Driven Marketing Decisions (formerly Marketing Analytics) MK723/724, QM716/717 MBA+MSDi ENT | MK Fall (Day)
SI842 Real Estate Development none ENT | SI Spring (Evening)
MK862 Marketing High-Tech Products MK723/724 MBA+MSDi ENT | MK Fall (Evening)
SI849 Corporate Sustainability Strategy none PNP EES | SI Fall (Evening) | Summer 2 (Intensive)
SI852 Starting New Ventures QM716/717, OM725/726,
MK723/724, FE721/722 HSM EES | ENT | SI Fall (Day) | Fall (Evening) | Spring (Evening)
SI855 Entrepreneurship AC710/711, OB712/713,
QM716/717, MK723/724,
FE721/722 ENT | SI Fall (Evening) | Mod 4
SI856 International Entrepreneurship none ENT | IM | SI Spring (Day)
(new ENT pilot w/ Marx) Varies
SI858 Innovation Eco-Systems none ENT | IM Spring Field Seminar
SI859 Strategy Implementation OM725/726, MK723/724,
FE721/722 ENT | LOT | SI Fall (Day) | Spring (Day) | Spring (Evening)
SI868 International Consulting Project None ENT | IM | SI Fall (Evening)
SI870 Strat for Sustainable Devel Varies
HM817 Health Information Technology HM703 MBA+MSDi | HSMENTSpring (Evening)Showing 1 to 98 of 98 entries
MBAAC814 Financial Statement Analysis & Investor Decisions
AC830 Managerial Accounting
AC841 Advanced Accounting
AC847 Intermediate Accounting 1
AC848 Intermediate Accounting 2
AC860 Accounting Risk Management
AC865 Aduting Issues and Problems
AC869 Principles of Income Taxation 1
AC879 Income Taxation 2
FE810 Finance 2
FE820 Corporate Financial Management
FE821 Advanced Corporate Finance
FE822 Fixed Income Markets
FE823 Investments
FE825 Advanced Topics in Investments
FE827 International Financial Management
FE829 Futures, Options and
Financial Risk Management
FE850 Private Equity: Leveraged Buyouts
FE854 Entrepreneurial Finance
formerly SI854
OM854 Supply Chain Management
OM855 Project Management
IS754 Human Centered Design
IS756 Digital Product Build
QM880 Business Analytics: Spreadsheet
Optimization and Simulation
SI839 Design Thinking and Innovation
SI845 Technology Strategy
SI871 Strategies for Bringing Technology to Market
OM865 Idea Lab
SI814 Intellectual Property Strategies
OM840 Managing and Improving Quality: Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
IS714 Mastering IT Strategy
IS717 IT Applications in Management
IS890 Digital Practicum
HM833 Health Sector Marketing
HM840 Health Sector Consulting
IM851 European Field Seminar
MK842 Digital Marketing Analytics
IS827 Platforms and Information Markets
IS828 Managing Information Security
MK853 Global Strategic Marketing
MK854 Branding
MK856 Consumer Behavior
IS833 The Analytic Enterprise
MK864 Pricing Strategy and Tactics

MK867 Marketing Social Change
MK870 Luxury Marketing (pilot)
MK875 Retailing and Omni-Channel Marketing
MK878 Managing Marketing Spending
HM848 Driving Health Sector Innovation
PL815 Competitive Decision Making
formerly FE815
PL834 Macroeconomics in the Global Environment
PL845 Improving Your Decisions
PL851 Sustainable Energy Business Models and Policies
PL852 Electricity Industry Strategy
PL861 Emerging Issues in Business Law
PL882 Public Policy Analysis
HM703 Health Sector Issues
and Opportunities
IM852 Latin America Field Seminar
IM853 Indian Field Seminar
OB830 Leading the Mission-Driven Organization
OB835 Leading Sustainable Enterprises
OB838 Global Strategic Human Resources Management
OB840 Management Consulting Field Project
OB841 Fundamentals of Nonprofit Management formerly
OB844 Managing Organizational Change
OB848 The Leadership Challenge
OB853 Negotiations
PL837 Strategic Fundraising and Corporate Philanthropy PL850 Social Entrepreneurship
HM710 Health Service Delivery:
Strategies, Solutions and Execution
HM717 Drugs, Devices and
Diagnostics: New Challenges,
Strategies and Execution
IS841 Advanced Business Analytics: Data Mining
IM845 Asian Field Seminar
IS854 Practicing IT Strategy, Management and Delivery
OM845 Clean Technologies and Supply Chains
IS855 Digital Transformation: Immersive Interactions and Insights at Silicon Valley
IS860 The Analytic Consulting Enterprise
IS883 Designing Systems for Data Management
OM880 Product Design and Development
IS889 Telecommunications & Business Networks
HM801 Bench-to-Bedside: Translating Biomedical
Innovation from the Laboratory to the Marketplace
MK845 Social Media Marketing
SI830 Corporate Strategies for Growth
SI835 Real Estate Management
SI836 Foundations of Environmental Sustainability
MK852 Data Driven Marketing Decisions (formerly Marketing Analytics)
SI842 Real Estate Development
MK862 Marketing High-Tech Products
SI849 Corporate Sustainability Strategy
SI852 Starting New Ventures
SI855 Entrepreneurship
SI856 International Entrepreneurship
(new ENT pilot w/ Marx)
SI858 Innovation Eco-Systems
SI859 Strategy Implementation
SI868 International Consulting Project
SI870 Strat for Sustainable Devel
HM817 Health Information Technology

Boston University Questrom School of Business
Graduate Academic & Career Development Center
Rafik B. Hariri Building
595 Commonwealth Avenue, Suite 115
Boston, MA 02215

Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs

Director, MBA Programs

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