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June 14th, 2014, 10:57 AM
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CAT Exam Previous year question paper

Will you please share the previous year question papers of CAT Exam?????

Here I am sharing the previous year question papers of CAT Exam

1. A shop stores x kg of rice. The first customer buys half this amount pi us half a kg of rice. The second
customer buys half the remaining amount plus half a kg of rice. Then the third customer also buys ha If the
remaining amount plus half a kg of rice. Thereafter, no rice is I eft in the shop. Which of the following best
describes the value of x?
(1) Hx~6 (2)5~x~8 (3)9~x~12 (4)11~x~14 (5) 1Hx~18
Directions for Questions 2 and 3:
Let J(x) = a)+ bx + c, where a, b and c are certain constants and a " 0. It is known
that 3 is a root of f(x) = 0.
2. What is the other root of J(x) = 0?
(1) -7 (2) -4 (3) 2 (4) 6
3. What 1sthe value of a+ b+ c? ~
(1) 9 (2) 14 (3) 13 (4) 37 determ1ned
(1) 78 (2) 19 (3) 20
(5) 22
The figure below shows the pi an of a town. The streets are at right angles to each other. A rectangular
park (P) is situated inside the town with a diagonal road running through it. There is also a prohibited
region (D) in the town.
number of poss1 bl e shortest paths that she can choose 1s
(1) 60 (2) 75 (3) 45 (4) 90 ~
6. Neelam n des her b1cycle from her house at c; v1a B ta kmg the shortest path. Then the
number of poss1 bl e shortest paths that ub
(I)Um (>) "" (>~()(.) """ 0) '"
Is die value of -
In each repetition, any two numbers, say a and b, currently on the blackboard are erased and a new
number a+ b- 1 is written. What wi II be the number left on the board at the end?
(1) 820 (2) 821 (3) 781 (4) 819 (5) 780
= seed(s(n)), otherwise,
wheres(n) indicates the sum of digits of n. For example,
seed(7) = 7, seed(248)= seed(2 + 4 + 8)= seed(14)= seed(1 + 4) = seed(5)= 5 etc.
How many positive integers n, such that n < 500, wi II have seed(n) = 9?
(1) 39 (2) 72 (3) 81 (4) 108 (5) 55
10. In a triangle ABc; the lengths of the sides AB and AC equal17.5 em and 9 em respectively. Le
point on the line segment BC such that 1>0 is perpendicular to BC If 1>0 = 3 em, then what is th
em) of the circle circum scribing the triangle ABC?
(1) 17.05 (2) 27.85 (3) 22.45 (4) 32.25 (5) 26.25
11. What are the last two digits of 7"SJos?
(1) 21 (2) 61 (3)01 (4)41 (5)81 • 12. If the roots of the equation x'- a) +bx- c =0 are three consecutiv en
what is the smallest possible value of b?
5 F and H. Consider points P and Q, on L and inside ABCD, such that the angles APD and
20•. What is the ratio of the area of ABQCDP to the remaining area inside ABCD?
(2)2+1/3 (3} 1fH</3
(4)1+ 43 (5)243-1
17. Three consecutive positive integers are raised to the first, second and third powers respectively and
then added. The sum so obtained is a perfect square whose square root equals the total of the three
original integers. Which of the foil owing best describes the minimum, say m, of these three integers?
(1) Hm~3 (2) 4~m~6 (3) Hm~9 (4) 10~m~12 (5) 13~m~15
1 1
18. Find the sum 1+-+-+ 12 22
1 1
1+2+1 + ............. +
2 3
(1) :zoo&.~ 1
(2) 2007--
1 1
20072 20012
19. Two circles, both of radii 1 em, intersect such that the circumference of each or~ ugh the
centre of the circle of the other. What is the area (in sq em) of the intersecting regiv
(1).!!-./3 (2) 2n + ./3 (3) 4n-./3 (4) 411 + ./3 34 32 32 32
20. Rahim plans to drive from city A to station c, at per hour, to catch a train arriving
there from B. He must reach Cat least 15 minutes b ""t arrival of the train. The train I eaves B, located
5 00 km south of A at 8:0 0 am and travels at a ed km per hour. It is known that C is located
between west and northwest of B, with BC at 6 o so, Cis located between south and southwest of
A w1th AC at 30 • to AB. The latest t1 me by~ must leave A and st1ll catch the tra1n 1 s closest to
(1)6:15 am (2) 6:30am (3) ..!,.] (4) 7:00am (5) 7:15am
21. Cons1 der a nght c1rcular cA~us 4 em and he1ght 10 em. A cyh nder 1s to be pi aced 1ns1de the
oooo w<h ooo of''" i~'" fho "'"of fho oooo ''"' fho '"''" "'"'blo •~•I '""'~
area (in sq. em) of th cy der "+
00 ~ "' (3) ~ (4) ":" (S) '':"
Five horses, Red, White, Grey, Black and Spotted participated in a race. 1>s per the rules of the race, the
persons betting on the winning horse get four times the bet am aunt and those betting on the horse that
came in second get thrice the bet am aunt. Moreover, the bet am aunt is returned to those betting on the
horse that came in third, and the rest I ose the bet amount. Raj u bets Rs. 30 00, Rs. 20 00 Rs. 1000 on Red,
White and Black horses respectively and ends up with no profit and no loss.
22. Which of the following cannot be true?
(1) At least two horses f1n1shed before Spotted
(2) Red f1n1shed last
(3) There were three horses between Black and Spotted
(S) Grey came In second r ~
23. Suppose, 1n add1t1on, 1t 1 s known that Grey came 1n fourth. Then wh1ch of the f~ cannot be
true? ~ .. +
(1) Spotted came in first CJ"' (2) Red finished last
)) White came in second ~flj
Black came in second
(S) There was one horse between Black and White
Marks (1) if Q can be answered from A alone but not from B alone.
Marks (2) if Q can be answered from B alone but not from A alone.
Marks (3) if Q can be answered from A alone as well as from B alone.
Marks ( 4) if Q can be answered from A and B together but not from any of them alone.
Marks (5) if Q cannot be answered even from A and B together.
In a single elimination tournament, any player is eliminated with a single loss. The tourname
multiple rounds subject to the foil owing rules:
(a) If the number of players, say n, in any round is even, then the players aree ro Q n/2 pairs.
The pi ayers in each pair play a match against each other and the winner m ov on t ext round.
(b) If the number of pi ayers, say n, in any round is odd, then one of them is • bye, that is, he
aut om ati cally m aves on to the next round. The remaining ( n - 1) p3 are .f'ouped into ( n - 1 )/2
pairs. The pi ayers in each pair play a match against each other and n rs moves on to the next
round. No pi ayer gets more than one bye in the entire tourna'1~ :
Thus, if n is even, then n/2 players m ave on to the next roun~~~d, then ( n + 1 )/2 pi ayers m ave
on to the next round. The process is continued till the fittr~~ , 1ch obviously is played between two
players. The winner in the final round is the cham pion f ~u ment.
24. Q: What is the number of matches played '
This section contains 25 questions
Directions for Questions 26 to 28: Answer the following questions based on the inform at ion given bel ow:
For admission to various affiliated colleges, a university conducts a written test with four different
sections, each with a maximum of 50 marks. The following table gives the aggregate as welle.<::tth
sectional cut-off marks fixed by six different colleges affiliated to the university. A stud . .._ . ......,
College I
College 3
College 4
College 6
S(~CtiOil ;\
Se\:tional Cut-off Marks
St~ction H St•ction C
42 42
44 176
26. Ad1tya d1d not get a call ~eve a smgle college. What could be the max1mum aggregate marks
obtained by h1 m?
27. Bhama got c fr o! ges. What could be the minimum aggregate marks obtained by her?
(1)181 ~2)1 3)184 (4)196 (5)190
(1)180 )18 (3)196 (4)176 (5)184
(2) 21 (3) 25 (4) 35 (5) 41
The bar chart below shows the revenue received, in mill ion US Dollars (U SD ), from subscribers to a
particular Internet service. The data covers the period 2003 to 2007 for the United States (US) and Europe.
The bar chart also shows the estimate revenues from the subscription to this service for the period 2 008 to
200 'i 100
"' 0 JJ
03 04
l ........... t~ . ..
[1i.l[m ~ .. •.lk;,rl: .•.•.•. • .. • .. •.•. 11.•••1~ us CJ • ••••• !! I[ ~~[ ~. Europe tli ~,! i (!
t~.... •r IIi I i 1! .il .J![. J!l , ••
OS 06 07 08 09 10 CJ"'
29. While the subscnpt1on 1n Europe has been grow1ng stl!d~s that of the US, the growth rate 1n
Europe seems to be dechmng. Wh1 ch of the follow ~~st to the percent change 1n growth rate of
2 00 7 (over 20 06) relative to the growth rate of 2 ver 0 4 )?
(1) 17 (2) 20 (3) 35 ( 4) 60 (.,.,_ .....
30. The difference between the estff: •m ed ~tion in Europe in 2008 and what it would have been if it
were computed using the percent a ' rate of 20 07 (over 200 6), is closest to :
(1) 50 (2) 80 (3) 20 0 5) 0
31. In 20 03, sixty percef. of subscribers in Europe were men. Given that woman subscribers increase at
the rate of 10 perc annt m and men at the rate of 5 percent per annum, what is the approximate
'~:llliilll~l:i ibers between 2003 and 2010 in Europe? The subscription prices are volatile
( 4) 84 (5) 50
... -..... the annual percent change in the gap between subscription revenues in the US and Europe.
;m,._...,,the year in which the absolute value of this change is the highest?
(1) 03-04 (2) 05-06 (3) 06-07 (4) 08-09 (5) 09-10
There are 100 employees in an organization across five departments. The following table gives the
departem ent -wise distribution of average age, average basic pay and allowances. The gross pay of an
employee is the sum of his/her basic pay and allowances.
lh•pa rtrncnt'
\fumbct- or Average ,\vcrag{• Basic Allowances
~:mployees Age (Yl~an) !•ay (Rs. ) (% of Basic J•a..,
IIR 5 5000
Finance 30 6500
Bu~ i ncs~ Deve liJf.}ll'lent 42
Maimcnancc iO J5
a department w1th h1gher average age to ~em 1th lower average age.
Questions below are independent :£ f e
33. There was a mutual transfer of e between Market1ng and F1nance departments and transfer
of one em pi oyee from M arke~ !'' 1>s a result, the average age of F1nance department 1ncreased by
one year and that of m arke~rtm ent remained the same. What is the new average age of HR
department? • (1) 30 (2) 35 (4) 45 (5) cannot be determined
transfer a - person with basic pay of Rs. 8000 from the Marketing department?
(1) ~~)11% (3)13% (4)15% (5)17%
~mployees (each with a basic pay of Rs. 6000) are transferred from Maintenance department to
HR department and one person (with a basic pay of Rs. 80 00) was transferred from Marketing department
to HR department, what will be the percemage change in average basic pay of HR departmem?
(1) 10.5% (2) 12.5% (3) 15% (4) 30% (5)40%
Abdul, Bikram and Chetan are three professi anal traders who trade in shares of a company XYZ Ltd. Abdul
follows the strategy of buying at the opening of the day at 10 am and selling the whole I ot at the close of
the day at 3 pm. Bikram follows the strategy of buying at hourly intervals: 10 am, 11 am, 12 noon, 1 pm
and 2 pm, and selling the whole lot at the close of the day. Further, he buys an equal number of shares in
each purchase. Chetan follows a similar pattern as Bikram but his strategy is somewhat different. Chetan's
total investment am aunt is divided equally among his purchases. The profit or loss made by each investor
is the difference between the sale value at the close of the day less the investment in purchase. The
"returri' for each investor is defined as the ratio of the profit or loss to the investment am aunt e d
as a percentage.
36. on a "boom" day the price of xvz Ltd. keeps rising throughout the day and peaks
day. Which trader got the minimum return on that day?
(1) Bikram (2) Chetan (3) Abdul (4) Abdul or Chetan (5) cannot be dG d
37. On a day of fluctuating market prices, the share price of XYZ Ltd. e~a Q in, i.e., it is higher at
the close of the day com pared to the opening value. Which trader got th~m return on that day?
(1) Bikram (2) Chetan (3) Abdul (4) Bikram or Chetan G ot be determined
38. Which one of the following statements is always true?
(1) Abdul will not be the one with the minimum retur
(2) Return for Chetan will be higher than that of Bikr m ~
(3) Return for Bikram will be higher than that of e
( 4) Return for Chetan cannot be higher than tha Ab
(5) none of the above ~
One day, two other traders, Dane~n 11 oi tl Abdul, Bikram and Chetan for trading in the shares of
XYZ Ltd. Dane followed a strategy • qual numbers of shares at 10 am, 11 am and 12 noon, and
selling the same numbers at21, and 3 pm. Emily, on the other hand, followed the strategy of
buying shares using all her m a 0 am and selling all of them at 12 noon and again buying the shares
for all the money at 1 p and & • selling all of them at the close of the day at 3 pm. At the close of the
b ve~
(1) Share price was at its lowest at 2 pm
(2) Share price was at its lowest at 11 am
(3) Share price at 1 pm was higher than the share price at 2 pm
( 4) Share price at 1 pm was higher than the share price at 12 noon
(5) none of the above
(1) 10
(2) 11
(3) 12 noon
(4) 1 pm
(5) cannot be determined
(i) There are three houses on each side of the road.
(i i) These six houses are labeled as P, Q, R, S, T and U.
(iii) The houses are of different col ours, namely, Red, Blue, Green, Orange, Yellow and White.
(i v) The houses are of different heights.
(v) T, the tall est house, is exact I y opposite to the Red coloured house.
(vi) The shortest house is exact I y opposite to the Green coloured house.
(vii) U, the Orange coloured house, is located between P and S.
R, the Yellow coloured house, is exactly opposite toP.
Q, the Green coloured house, is exact I y opposite to U.
P, the White coloured house, is taller than R, but shorter than S and Q.
41. What is the colour of the tallest house?
(1) Red (2) Blue (3) Green (4)Yellow (S) none of these
42. What is the colour of the house diagonally opposite to the Yellow col0 st
(1) White (2) Blue (3) Green (4) Red (S) none of these
43. Which is the second tallest house?
(1) p (2) s (3)Q (4) R
In a sports event, six teams (A, B, C, D, E and F) are competing against each other. Matches are scheduled
in two stages. Each team plays three matches in Stage-1 and two matches in Stage-11. No team plays against
the same team more than once in the event. No ties are perm it ted in any of them atches. The observations
after the completion of Stage-I and Stage-II are as given below.
• One team won all the three matches.
• Two teams lost all them atches.
• D lost to Abut won against C and F.
• E lost to B but won against C and F.
• B I ost at least one match.
• F did not play against the top team of Stage-1.
• The leader of Stage-llost the next two matches. ~ +
• Of the two teams at the bottom after Stage-1, one team wo at es, wh1le
the other I ost both matches.
• One more team lost both matches 1n Stage-11.
44. The team(s) w1th the most w1ns 1n the event 1s (ar • ~
(l)A (2)A&C (3)F (4)E &
(l)A D &F (3) E & F (4) D, E & F (S) D & F
Telecom operators get revenue from transfer of data and voice. Average revenue received from transfer of
each unit of data is known as ARDT. In the diagram below, the revenue received from data transfer as
percentage of total revenue received and the ARDT in US Dollars (U SD) are given for various countries .
e ' he same in both countries.
vent,_ in India is about 2 times that of Singapore
nue in India is about 4 times that of Singapore
revenue in Singapore is a bout 2 times that of India
(S) Total revenue in Singapore is about 4 times that of India
(3) Germany and USA
and that the volume of data transfer is the same in both the countries. What is the percentage increase of
ARDT in India if there is no change in ARDT in Sweden?
(1) 400% (2) 550% (3) 800% (4) 950% (5) cannot be determined

Rest of the Questions are attached in below file which is free of cost
Attached Files
File Type: pdf CAT Exam Question paper.pdf (1.60 MB, 99 views)

Last edited by Neelurk; March 2nd, 2020 at 08:43 AM.
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