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July 2nd, 2014, 10:41 AM
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CDS Exam Questions asked

Kindly provide me the CDS Exam Previous Year Question Papers of English…………

As per your request here I am sharing the CDS Exam Previous Year Question Papers of English:

1. 1. Nobody in their mind would doubt that
American has problems.
P. Leave out euphoria, after the Gulf War
and that is the highest such figure for
six years.
Q. And whatever the gloomy politicians
may think, Americans themselves
seem to sense that.
R. But these are problems, things that can
and will be solved. They are not the stuff
of national crisis.
S. The latest Time/CNN poll says 62% of
Americans thought their nation was
doing ‘fairly well’ or ‘very well’
6. All it needs now is for politicians to catch
the new mood of optimism.
2. 1. The dead do sometimes tell tales, if you
know how to look for them.
P. The flesh of bomb victims is shredded
and may be sieged by chemicals.
Q. In the autopsy rooms of the Suffolk
country; the medical examiner and his
team were looking for clues that could
explain how the passengers of TWA
Flight 800 died.
R. But most of the corpses he examined
had been killed by the impact of hitting
the water from a height of more than
two miles.
S. The body of a person killed by a bomb
looks different from the body of a victim
in an ordinary plane crash.
6. The mystery of their deaths will be
solved in time, but it won’t be easy or
3. 1. Making ourselves
P. our language
Q. part of growing into
R. masters of
S. is an important
6. full manhood or womanhood.
4. 1. The very first battle they fought
P. and they had to fall back
Q. cross the border
R. was lost
S. letting the enemy
6. and enter the country.
5. 1 : Yet so few of us have
P : walls of daily routine
Q : the time or the means
R : that encloses our lives
S : to break through the narrow
6 : to get to know this land.
(A) S R Q P (B) R P S Q
(C) Q S P R (D) P Q R S
6. 1 : The Arabs who are not in cities live in
the desert all the year round.
P : They have the finest horses in the
Q : So they can easily move from one place
to another.
R : These desert Arabs eat ripe, sweet figs
and also the dates that grow upon the
palm trees.
S : They livein tents that can be put up and
taken down easily.
6 : An Arab loves his horse almost as much
as he loves his wife and children.
(A) R S P Q (B) S Q R P
(C) PQRS (D) Q R S P
7. 1 : When employees go on strike against
changes in labour laws, few realise that
these are privileged workers.
P : People protest against reform because
they do not want to pay their electricity
Q : Or take the issue of user charges.
R : It is the millions who are without jobs
who need real help.
S : Only those who have jobs can go on strike.
6 : These are sectional interests who are
blocking reform.
(A) S P Q R (B) Q R S P
(C) S R Q P (D) Q P S R

8. 1: The pleasure of being able to
communicate with people from another
culture and to understand their society
is a valuable experience.
P : Because of the level of interactions with
foreign experts, translators are
mandatory in many companies.
Q : Many Indian MNCs with global footprints
need linguists to help them in foreign
R : But learning a foreign language is fast
becoming a necessary job skill in its
own right.
S : As the global market-place expands, the
need for personnel who can communicate
in foreign languages will increase.
6 : They employ linguistic experts to teach
their employees the required language
and to interact with employees on the
client site.
(A) P Q R S (B) R S P Q
(C)P S R Q (D) R Q P S
9. 1 : Over decades, we have made things a
lot worse.
P : It has proved quite disastrous.
Q : The unregulated spread of bore wells
was an early form of water privatization.
R : Many poor farmers have seen their dug
wells sucked dry as neighbours collect
all the groundwater.
S : The richer you are, the more wells you
can dug, the deeper you can go.
6 : In the end, it can destroy the entire
(A) Q S P R (B) P Q R S
(C) Q P R S (D) P S Q R
10. 1 : Ask any man or woman
P : and the chances are
Q : what is the single most important issue
R : in the streets of Zurich
S : facing Switzerland today
6 : they will answer ‘1992’.
(A) R S Q P (B) P R Q S
(C) R Q S P (D) Q S R P
11. 1 : Indian media still has not matured as
far as election coverage goes.
P : Today, it is common for public relation’s
firms to cultivate journalists and
planting stories.
Q : At the same time, nobody has addressed
to the menace of corruption in the
media, itself.
R : In such a scenario, the reader feels
shortchanged as unbiased election
coverage is not available.
S : Press conferences are used openly for
giving gifts and bribes to journalists.
6 : There is nothing wrong in the demand
for unbiased, non-casteist and noncommunal
(A) P Q S R (B) Q P R S
(C) P Q R S (D) Q P S R
12. No amount poor countries if they do
of direct aid will help not develop the
capacity to generate wealth for themselves
13. 1 : The word ‘Victory’ generally reminds us
of wars and conquerors like Alexander
and Napoleon.
P : Thousands of people are killed and
hundreds of towns and cities are
Q : But the victory associated with a war
comes after so much of destruction.
R : In this category we may include the
achievements of scientists and
scholars, statesmen and social
reformers and the like.
S : However, there is another type of victory
which is creative and constructive.
6 : The victories of peace are more lasting
and useful to humani ty than the
victories of war.
(A) P R Q S (B) S P Q R
(C) Q P S R (D) R P Q S
14. 1 : The next day Hiralal woke early.
S : He could find nothing inside them except
two letters.
P : Then he began to take out the bags
containing the silver coins and the
currency notes.
Q: Three of the bags were empty.
R : After washing his face and hands he
went back to his bedroom.
6: Suddenly his heart seemed to stop
(A) Q S P R (B) R P S Q
(C) P Q R S (D) S P Q R
15. 1 : A water tap is a device for turning on
and off a flow of water.
P : The metal parts of a water tap are
usually made of brass because brass
resists corrosion.
Q : The other part is a washer which is
fixed to the bottom of the rod.
R : One is a rod with a handle on the top.
S : It has two important parts.
6 : The washer is made of a f lexible
material such as rubber or plastic.
(A) P Q R S (B) S R Q P
(C) P Q S R (D) P R S Q

16. 1 : Now these two types of courage, physical
and moral, are very distinct.
P : I have known many men who had
marked physical courage, but lacked
moral courage.
Q : On the other hand, I’ve seen men who
undoubtedly possessed moral courage
but were very cautious about taking
physical risks.
R : But I’ve never met a man with moral
courage, who wouldn’t, when it was
really necessary, face bodily danger.
S : Some of them were in high places but
they failed to be great in themselves
because they lacked it.
6 : Moral courage is a higher and rarer
virtue than physical courage.
(A) P Q R S (B) P S Q R
(C) P S R Q (D) Q S R P
17. 1 : Forests have an inf luence on the
climate of a region.
P : Much of the rain that falls beneath the
trees dissolves plant food in the soil.
Q : This gives to the air over the forests a
coolness which is felt by balloonists and
aviators three thousand feet above the
R : The plants absorb all the food and much
of the water, but the rest of the water is
breathed out through the leaves into the
S : This is taken up by the roots of plants
and carried upward to the leaves.
6 : Thus we see that forests in a region
often make the climate cooler.
(A) Q S R P (B) P S R Q
(C) R S P Q (D) S Q P R
18. 1 : Albert Edward did very well.
P : He started looking for a place to open
the new shop.
Q: He started his shop wi th great
R : He did so well that he began to think of
opening another shop.
S: One fine morning he found it on a nearby
6 : He then appointed a manager to take
care of it.
(A) P Q R S (B) R S P Q
(C) R P S Q (D) P S R Q
19. 1 : Why do birds migrate in spite of the
heavy loss of life on the way?
P : But birds also migrate during winter.
Q: Primarily they migrate during the
R : Also they cannot endure the summer
S : And the main reason now is not hunger
but availability of the nesting sites.
6 : The migrat ion of birds thus is a
fascinating study, indeed.
(A) Q P S R (B) P Q R S
(C) R S P Q (D) Q R P S
20. 1 : Though hard to please and easily
offended, Johnson had a most humane
and benevolent heart.
P : There he discovered she was one of
those wretched persons who had fallen
into the lowest state of vice, poverty and
Q : Going home one evening, he found a poor
woman lying in the street and took her
upon his back and carried her to his
R : Soon she was restored to health.
S : Instead of harshly scolding her, he had
her taken care of with all tenderness.
6 : He got her a job and put her into a
virtuous way of living.
(A) P Q R S (B) S R Q P
(C) P R Q S (D) Q P S R
Directions (21-40): In the following questions,
a part of the sentence is bold. Below are given
alternatives to the bold part at (A), (B) and (C)
which may improve the sentence. Choose the
correct alternative. In case no improvement is
needed, your answer is (D).
21. He tried hardly to make both the ends
meet but many times he had to go without
(A) Hardly had he tried
(B) He tried hard
(C) He hard tried
(D) No correction required
22. Young Indian players prefer play cricket to
pursuing any other sport.
(A) preferably played
(B) prefer playing
(C) preferred to play
‘d) No correction required
23. The whole population of India can be
classified by three categories - poor, middle
and affluent class.
(A) will be classified by
(B) can be classified into
(C) will be classified between
(D) No correction required
24. It being a warm sunny day after the extreme
cold winter, it seems everyone have been
enjoyed it since morning.
(A) have being enjoyed
(B) have been enjoying
(C) had been enjoyed
(D) No correction required
25. When my husband was away on an
expedition, she enquired how was my
(A) my health was
(B) my health had
(C) my health is
(D) No correction required

26. They had not been sympathetic to the
women in distress and asked them many
awkward and personal questions.
(A) being sympathetic
(B) been sympathized by
(C) sympathetic
(D) No correction required
27. The issue of reservation for the minorities
could hardly be resolve since our
Constitution does not permit reservation on
the basis of religion.
(A) were hardly to resolve
(B) could resolve hardly
(C) could hardly be resolved
(D) No correction required
28. It has become with the present Government
to preach about exercise restraint on
spending public money and giving public
(A) restraining exercises
(B) exercising without restrain
(C) exercising restraint
(D) No correction required
29. Seeing his present performance, I am sure
that he will have proved his merit in any
forthcoming exam.
(A) will have to prove
(B) will be prove
(C) will prove
(D) No correction required
30. He face a lot of problems in his personal
li fe and career due to his impolitely
(A) behaviour was impolite
(B) behaved impoliteness
(C) impolite behaviour
(D) No correction required
31. More than one person was killed in the
(A) were killed
(B) are killed
(C) have been killed
(D) no improvement
32. Not a word they spoke to the children after
they had returned from the cremation
(A) did they speak (B) they will speak
(C) they had spoken(D) no improvement
33. Newton wanted to know why did the apple
fall and didn’t fly.
(A) know that why did the apple fall
(B) know why the apple fell
(C) know that why the apple fell
(D) no improvement
34. There is no place for you in this
(A) There is no room
(B) There is no space
(C) There is no seat
(D) no improvement
35. He had occupying this godown for the last
five years.
(A) is occupying
(B) will occupy
(C) has been occupying
(D) no improvement
36. I am used to work hardly.
(A) working hard
(B) work hard
(C) hard working
(D) No improvement
37. Twenty kilometers are not a great distance
for me to cover.
(A) is not a great distance
(B) is no distance
(C) aren’t a great distance
(D) No improvement
38. They were doing their job as efficiently as
(A) usual
(B) as usual
(C) usually
(D) No improvement
39. He is unlikely to come to the party. But if
he comes I would talk to him.
(A) if he would come
(B) if he was to come
(C) if he will come.
(D) No improvement
40. They have formed a rectangular pattern on
the marching ground just now.
(A) formed
(B) have been forming
(C) form
(D) No improvement

41. (A) barely (B) sufficiently
(C) highly (D) perfectly
42. (A) sure (B) deliberately
(C) unlikely (D) likely
43. (A) fail (B) succeed
(C) try (D) desire
44. (A) kind (B) process
(C) matter (D) result
45. (A) of (B) for
(C) at (D) in
46. (A) enough (B) dispensable
(C) essential (D) superfluous
47. (A) profitable (B) unprofitable
(C) detailed (D) exhaustive
48. (A) unfair (B) absurd
(C) strong (D) convincing
49. (A) gains (B) wields
(C) demands (D) misuses
50. (A) easy (B) probable
(C) impossible (D) obscure
Man’s basic aggressiveness is a fact and is
the emotional factor for all the bloody violence
that has marked human history since the
beginning. His technology has never been as
perfectly ...(51)... as in the weapons he makes to
...(52)... his brothers. The plough has changed
very ...(53)... in design from the time man took
...(54)... cultivation. But swords have not become
...(55)... and the rifle, with which one man kills
another, is a ...(56)... in comparison with the stone
and ...(57)... with which he used to ...(58)... his
adversaries in the earliest stage of civilization.
Nuclear ...(59)... has designs that nature can
never ...(60)... . They are wonders of technological
51. (A) operated (B) implemented
(C) employed (D) deployed
52. (A) shoot (B) injure
(C) wound (D) kill
53. (A) much (B) little
(C) slightly (D) radically
54. (A) in (B) to
(C) into (D) over
55. (A) swordfishes (B) penknives
(C) featherweights (D) ploughshares
56. (A) miracle (B) masterpiece
(C) legend (D) model
57. (A) battleaxe (B) spear
(C) sword (D) stick
58. (A) slaughter (B) penalise
(C) reform (D) belabour
59. (A) bomb (B) science
(C) weaponry (D) research
60. (A) fabricate (B) generate
(C) formulate (D) emulate
Directions—(Q. 61 to 70): Out of the four
alternatives, choose the one which best
expresses the meaning of the word given in bold
and indicate your correct answer.
61. Irreverence
(A) Disrespect (B) Cruelty
(C) Unkindness (D) Invalidity
62. Amicable
(A) Poisonous (B) Friendly
(C) Satisfying (D) Heartening
63. Prudent
(A) Skilled (B) Experienced
(C) Cautious (D) Criminal
64. Vindicate
(A) Open (B) Ventilate
(C) Justify (D) Recommend
65. Occult
(A) Religious (B) Unnatural
(C) Supernatural (D) Strong
66. Menace
(A) Request (B) Prayer
(C) Threat (D) Curse
67. Delineate
(A) Expand (B) Portray
(C) Explain (D) Argue
68. Abrogate
(A) Elope (B) Gatecrash
(C) Abolish (D) Destroy
69. Insidiously
(A) in a polite manner
(B) in a secret manner
(C) in ugly way
(D) in a forceful manner
70. Abashed.
(A) annoyed (B) arrogant
(C) embarrassed (D) awakened
Directions (71 to 80) : Choose the word opposite
in meaning to the word given in bold and
indicate your correct answer.
71. Excruciating
(A) mild (B) noisy
(C)sophisticating (D) modern
72. Integration
(A) Unity (B) Synthesis
(C) Linking (D) Fragmentation
73. Miniature
(A) Humungous (B) Small
(C) Heavy (D) Least
74. Exhausts
(A) Tires (B) Empties
(C) Invigorates (D) Drains
75. Encountered
(A) Avoided (B) Enriched
(C) Faced (D) Overcome
76. Handy
(A) Cumbersome (B) Handful
(C) Unwieldy (D) Heavy
Centres at:

77. Capricious
(A) Firm (B) Fickle
(C) Indefinite (D) Defiant
78. Choleric
(A) affluent (B) brave
(C) pleasant (D) tired
79. Spasmodic
(A) ill-humoured (B) sporadic
(C) regular (D) tireless
80. Puerile
(A) inquisitive (B) matured
(C) impure (D) original
Directions (Q. 81 to 90) : Four words are given
in each question, out of which only one word is
rightly spelt. Find the word and indicate your
correct answer.
81. (A) Asociate (B) Miggrate
(C) Appropriate (D) Exhilerate
82. (A) Scenary (B) Granery
(C) Visionary (D) Luminery
83. (A) Entirty (B) Gratious
(C) Discern (D) Contestent
84. (A) Colaborate (B) Coroborate
(C) Cooperate (D) Colocate
85. (A) Reminiscence (B) Renounciation
(C) Recolection (D) Relaxasion
86. (A) Fullfil (B) will
(C) Fabbufous (D) Useful
87. (A) Traveling (B) Remitance
(C) Kidnaping (D) Equiteble
88. (A) Receprocate (B) Recieve
(C) Recetation (D) Receipt
89. (A) Psycholagy (B) Appology
(C) Criminolegy (D) Archaeology
90. (A) Neccessary (B) Temparory
(C) Itinerary (D) Sanguinery
Directions (91-95) : questions the following
sentences are given with blanks to be filled in
with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives
are suggested for each question. Choose the
correct alternative out of the four and indicate
it in the Answer Sheet.
91. Since Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s father
never approved of …… Robert Browning, the
couple eloped to Italy where they lived and
(A) her to marry (B) her marrying
(C) she marrying (D) she to marry
92. Canada does not require that U.S. citizens
obtain passports to enter the country, and
(A) Mexico does neither
(B) Mexico doesn’t either
(C) neither Mexico does
(D) either does Mexico
93. The police ............. the mob.
(A) scattered (B) disbanded
(C) drove (D) dispersed
94. I cannot ............. to know much about it.
(A) imagine (B) conceive
(C) pretend (D) contemplate

Complete question paper is in the attachment, please click on it…………
Attached Files
File Type: pdf CDS Exam Previous Year Question Papers of English.pdf (710.1 KB, 84 views)

Last edited by Neelurk; May 6th, 2020 at 04:53 PM.
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