2024 2025 EduVark > Education Discussion > Career and Jobs

June 23rd, 2016, 12:04 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2012
Re: Junior Assistant Jobs in APPSC

As per your demand here I am providing you syllabus of Junior Marketing Assistants of APPSC

General Science
Current events of National and International importance.
History of India and Indian National movement. India and World Geography.
Indian Polity and Economy.
General mental Ability.
Questions on General Science will cover General appreciation and understanding of science
including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a well educated
person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific discipline. In current events,
knowledge of significant national and international events will be tested. In History of India,
emphasis will be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic and political
aspects. Questions on the Indian National Movement will relate to the nature and character of the
nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and attainment of Independence. In
Geography, emphasis will be on Geography of India. Questions on the Geography of India will
relate to physical, social and economic geography of the country, including the main features of
Indian agricultural and natural resources. Questions on Indian Polity and Economy will test
knowledge of the country’s political system and Constitution of India, Panchayati Raj, Social
Systems and economic developments in India. On general mental ability, the candidates will be
tested on reasoning and analytical abilities.

Agriculture, its importance in National economy. Factors determining agro-ecological zones and
geographic distribution of crop plants. Importance of crop plants, cultural practices for cereal,
pulses, oilseed, fibre, sugar, tuber and fodder crops and scientific basis for these crop-rotations,
multiple and relay cropping, intercropping and mixed cropping.
Soil as medium of plant growth and its composition, mineral and organic constituents of the soil
and their role in crop production; chemical, physical and microbiological properties of soils.
Essential plant nutrients (macro and micro) their functions, occurrence, cycling in soils. Principles
of soil fertility and its evaluation for judicious fertilizer use. Organic manures and bio-fertilizers,
inorganic fertilizers, integrated nutrient management.

Principles of plant physiology with reference to plant nutrition, absorption, transactions and
metabolism of nutrients.
Diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies and their amelioration photosynthesis and respiration, growth and
development, auxins and hormones in plant growth.
Cell and cell organelles. Cell division. Reproductive cycle, Principles of genetics, geneinteraction,
sex determination, linkage and re-combination, mutation, extra chromosomal
inheritance, polyploidy. Origin and domestication of crop plants. Genetic resources-conservation
and utilization. Floralbiology in relation to selfing and crossing.
Genetic basis of plant breeding pureline selection, mass selection, male sterility and incompatibility
and their use in plant breeding. Pedigree selection, back-cross method of selection. Heterosis and
its exploitation. Development of hybrids, composites and synthetic, important varieties, hybrids,
composites and synthetic of major crops. Seeds and seed production techniques.
Important fruit and vegetable crops of India, method of propagation-Sexual and asexual. Package
and practices and their scientific basis. Crop rotation, intercropping, companion crops, role of
fruits and vegetables in human nutrition, post-harvest handling and processing of fruits and
vegetables. Landscaping and ornamental horticulture, commercial floriculture. Medicinal and
aromatic plants. Serious pests and diseases affecting major crops. Principles of control of crop
pests and diseases, integrated management. Proper use and maintenance of plant protection
Principles of economics as applied to agriculture. Farm planning and optimum resource-use
efficiency and maximizing income and employment. Farm systems and their spatial distribution,
their significant roles in regional economic development.

General Economics:
1. Micro- Economics: (a) Production, Agents of Production; Costs and Supply; Isoquants, (b)
Consumption and Demand; Elasticity concept, (c) Market Structure and concepts of equilibrium;
(d) Determination of prices; (e) Components and Theories of Distribution, (f) Elementary concepts
of Welfare economics: Pareto-optimality-Private and social products consumers surplus.
2. Macro- Economics: (a) National Income concepts; (b) Determinants of National income
employment (c) Determinants of consumption, savings and investment, (d) Rate of Interest and its
determination, (e) Interest and Profit.
3. Money, Banking and Public Finance: (a) Concepts of Money and measures of money supply;
velocity of money, (b) Banks and credit creation; Banks and portfolio management, (c) Central
Bank and control over money supply, (d) Determination of the price level, (e) Inflation, its causes
and remedies, (f) Public, Finance-Budgets-Taxes and non-tax revenues-Types of Budget deficits.
4. International Economics:
(1) Theories of International Trade-comparative costs – Hecksher-Ohlin-Gains from TradeTerms
of Trade.
(2) Free Trade and Protection
(3) Balance of payments accounts and adjustment
(4) Exchange rate under the exchange markets
(5) Evolution of the International Monetary System and World Trading order-Gold Standardthe
Brettonwoods system.
IMF and the World Bank and their associates.
Floating rates-GATT and WTO:
5. Growth and Development: (1) Meaning and measurement of growth; Growth, distribution and
Welfare; (2) Characteristics of under-development; (3) Stages of Development; (4) Sources of
growth-capital, Human capital, population, productivity, Trade and aid, non-economic factors;
growth Strategies, (5) Planning in a mixed economy-Indicative planning-Planning and growth.
6. Economic Statistics: Types of averages-measures of dispersion-correlation-Index numbers;
types, uses and limitations.
Indian Economics:
1. Main features; Geographic size-Endowment of natural resources, Population; size composition
quality and growth trend-Occupational distribution-Effects of British Rule with reference to Drain
theory and Laissez Faire policy.
2. Major problems, their dimensions, nature and broad causes; Mass poverty-Unemployment and
its types-Economics effects of population pressure-Inequality and types thereof-Low productivity
and low per capita income, Rural-urban disparities-Foreign Trade and payments imbalances.
Balance of Payments and External Debt-Inflation and parallel economy and its effects-Fiscal
3. Growth in income and employment since Independence-Rate, Pattern, Sectoral trendsDistributional
Changes-Regional diparities.
4. Economic Planning in India: Major controversies on planning in India-Alternative strategiesgoals
and achievements, shortfalls of different plans-planning and the Market
5. Broad Fiscal, monetary, industrial trade and agricultural policies-objectives, rationale,
constraints and effects.

1. Algebra: Elements of Set Theory; Algebra of Real and Complex numbers including
Demovire’s between Coefficients and Roots, symmetric functions of roots; Elements of Group
Theory; Sub-Group, Cyclic groups, Permutation, Groups and their elementary properties.
Rings, Integral Domains and Fields and their elementary properties.
2. Vector Spaces and Matrices: Vector Space, Linear Dependence and Independence. Sub-spaces.
Basis and Dimensions, Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces. Linear Transformation of a Finite
dimensional vector Space, Matrix Representation. Singular and Nonsingular Transformations.
Rank and nullity. Matrices: Addition, Multiplication, Determinants of a Matrix, Properties of
Determinants of order in, Inverse of a Matrix, Cramer’s rule.
3. Geometry and Vectors: Analytic Geometry of straight lines and conics in Cartesian and Polar
coordinates; Three Dimensional geometry for planes, straight lines, sphere, cone and cylinder.
Addition, Subtraction and Products of Vectors and Simple applications to Geometry.
4. Calculus: Functions, Sequences, Series, Limits, Continuity, Derivatives. Application of
Derivatives: Rates of change, Tangents, Normals, Maxima, Minima, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean
value Theorems of Lagrange and Cauchy, Asymptotes, Curvature. Methods of finding
indefinite integrals, Definite Integrals, Fundamental Theorem of integrals Calculus.
Application of definite integrals to area, Length of a plane curve, Volume and Surfaces of

5. Ordinary Differential Equations: Order and Degree of a Differential Equation, First order
differential Equations, Singular solution, Geometrical interpretation, Second order equations
with constant coefficients.
6. Mechanics: Concepts of particles-Lamina; Rigid body; Displacement; force, Mass; Weight;
Motion, Velocity; Speed; Acceleration; Parallelogram of forces; Parallelogram of velocity,
acceleration; resultant; equilibrium of coplanar forces; Moments; Couples; Friction; Centre of
mass, Gravity; Laws of motion; Motion of a particle in a straight line; simple Harmonic
motion; Motion under conservative forces; Motion under gravity; Projectile; Escape velocity;
Motion of artificial satellites.
7. Elements of Computer Programming: Binary system, Octal and Hexadecimal systems.
Conversion to and from Decimal systems. Codes, Bits, Bytes and Words. Memory of a
computer, Arithmetic and Logical operations on numbers. Precision. AND, OR, XOR, NOT
and Shit/Rotate operators, Algorithms and Flow charts.

Probability: Random experiment, sample space, event, algebra of events, probability on a discrete
sample space, basic theorems of probability and simple examples based theorem, conditional,
probability of an event, independent events, Bayer’s theorem and its application, discrete and
continuous random variables and their distributions, expectation, moments, moment generating
function, joint distribution of two or more random variables, marginal and conditional distributions,
independence of random variables, covariance, correlation, coefficient, distribution of a function of
random variables. Bernouli, binomial, geometric, negative binomial, hypergeometric, poisson,
multinomial, uniform, beta, exponential, gamma, cauchy, normal, longnormal and bivariate normal
distributions, real-life situations where these distributions provide appropriate models, Chebyshev’s
inequality, weak law or large numbers and central limit theorem for independent and identically
distributed random variables with finite variance and their simple applications.
Statistical Methods: Concept of a statistical population and a sample, types of data, presentation
and summarization of data, measures of central tendency, dispersion, skewness and kurtosis,
measures of association and contingency, correlation, rank correlation, intraclass correlation,
correlation ratio, simple and multiple linear regression, multiple and partial correlations (involving
three variables only), curve-fitting and principle of least squares, concepts of random sample,
parameter and statistic, Z, X2, t and F statistics and their properties and applications, distributions
of sample range and median (for continuous distributions only), censored sampling (concept and
Statistical Inference: Unbiasedness, consistency, efficiency, sufficiency, completeness, minimum
variance unbiased estimation, Rao-Blackwell theorem, Lehmann-Scheffe theorem, Cramer-Rao
inequality and minimum variance bound estimator, moments maximum likelihood, least squares
and minimum chisquare methods of estimation, properties of maximum likelihood and other
estimators, idea of a random interval, confidence intervals for the parameters of standard
distributions, shortest confidence intervals, large-sample cofidence intervals. Simple and
composite hypotheses, two kinds of errors, level of significance, size and power of a test, desirable
properties of a good test, most powerful test, Neyman-Pearson lemma and its use in simple
example, uniformly most powerful test, likelihood ratio test and its properties and applications.
Chi-square test, sign test, Wald-Wolfowitz runs test, run test for randomness, median test,
Wilcoxon test and Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test.
Wal’s sequential probability ratio test, OC and ASN functions, application to binomial and normal
Loss function, risk function, mini-max and Bayes rules.
Sampling Theory and Design of Experiments: Complete enumeration vs. sampling, need for
sampling, basic concepts in sampling, designing large-scale sample surveys, sampling and nonsampling
errors, simple random sampling, properties of a good estimator, estimation of sample
size, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling cluster sampling, ratio and regression
methods of estimation under simple and stratified random sampling, double sampling for ratio and
regression methods of estimation, two-stage sampling with equal-size first-stage units.
Analysis of variance with equal number of observations per cell in one, two and three-way
classifications, analysis of covariance in one and two-way classifications, completely randomized
design, randomized block design, latin square design, missing plot technique, 2n
factorial design,
total and partial confounding, 32 factorial experiments, split-plot design and balanced incomplete
block design.

Accounting and Auditing: Nature, Scope and Objectives of Accounting-Accounting as an
Information System Users of Accounting Information.
Generally Accepted Principles of Accounting-The Accounting Equation-Accrual Concept-other
concepts and conventions, Distinction between capital and revenue expenditure. Accounting
Standards and their application-Accounting standards relating to fixed assets, depreciation,
inventory, recognition of revenue
Final Accounts of Sole Proprietors, Partnership Firms and Limited Companies-Statutory
Provisions-Reserves, Provisions and Funds. Final Accounts of not-for profit organisation.
Accounting problems related to admission and retirement of a partner and dissolution of a firm.
Accounting for Shares and Debentures Accounting Treatment of Convertible debentures.
Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements Ratio analysis and interpretation. Ratios
relation to short term liquidity, long term solvency and profitability-Importance of the rate of return
on investment (ROI) in evaluating the overall performance of a business entity-Cash-flow
Statement and Statement of Source and Application of Funds-Societal obligations of Accounting.
Auditing: Nature, objectives and basic principles of auditing.- Techniques of auditing-physical
verification, examination of documents and vouching, direct confirmation, analytical review.
Planning an audit, audit programmes, working papers, audit process.
Evaluation of internal controls.
Test checking and sampling.
Broad outlines of company audit.
Audit of non-corporate enterprises.
Internal and management audit.
Business Organisation: Distinctive features of different forms of business organisation.

Partnerships-characteristics, Registration, Partnership deed, Rights and duties, Retirement,
Joint Stock Company-Concept, characteristics, types.
Cooperative and State ownership forms of organizations.
Types of securities and methods of their issue.
Economic functions of the capital market, stock exchanges, Mutual Funds. Control and regulation
of capital market.
Business combination; control of Monopolies. Problems of modernisation of industrial enterprises.
Social responsibility of business. Foreign Trade-Procedure and financing of import and export
trade. Incentives for export promotion. Financing of foreign trade.
Insurance-Principles and practice of Life, Fire, Marine and General Insurance.

Management functions-Planning-strategies, Organising-levels of authority Staffing, Line function
and staff function, Leadership, Communication, Motivation, Directing-Principles, Strategies.
Coordination-Concept, types, methods.
Control-principles, performance standards, corrective action. Salary and wage administration-job
Organisation Structure-Centralization and decentralization-Delegation of authority-span of controlManagement
by Objectives and management by Exception.
Management of change; Crisis Management. Office Management-scope and principles, systems
and routines; handling of records-modern aids of Office management; office equipment and
machines; Automation and Personal computers.
Impact of Organisation and Methods (O&M)
Company Law: Joint stock companies-incorporation; documents and formalities-Doctrine of
indoor management and constructive notice.
Duties and powers of the board of directors of a company.
Accounts and audit of companies: Company Secretary-role and functions-qualifications for appointment.

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