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December 30th, 2016, 03:52 PM
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Re: Kerala University MSC Syllabus

The information about the course structure as well as the detailed syllabus for the Master of Science in Computer Science discipline is as follows:

M.Sc. (Computer Science)

2 Years


Course Structure
Course Code
Course Title

Semester - I


Computer Organization & Architecture


Data Structures and C++


Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science


Advanced Database Management Systems


Elective I


Lab I (based on Data Structures and Graphics using C++)


Case Study I

Semester - II


Operating Systems


Computer Networks


Network Programming in Java


Design and Analysis of Algorithms


Elective II


Lab II (based on Network Programming in Java and DBMS)


Case Study II

Semester - III


System Software and Compiler Design


Software Engineering-an OO approach


Embedded Systems


Elective III


Elective IV




Lab III (based on Embedded Systems and Rational Rose)


Case Study III

Semester - IV


Project & Viva-Voce

List of Electives

For Semester - I


Computer Graphics and Multimedia


Modeling and Simulation


Artificial Intelligence

For Semester II


Artificial Intelligence


Micro Processors and Microcontroller


Computer Based Optimization Techniques


Distributed Computing


Machine Learning & Data Mining


Unix & Socket Programming

For Semester III


Unix & Socket Programming


Cryptography And Network Security


Network Administration and Management


Pattern Recognition


Wireless Networks


Software Project Management


Software Agents


Current Trends and Technologies

Course Syllabus

Semester - I

COS 511 Computer Organization & Architecture

Module I Introduction to digital design- Data Representation – Data Types – Complements – Arithmetic Operations – Representations – Fixed Point, Floating Point , Decimal Fixed – Point – Binary Codes- Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra, Map Simplification – Combinational Circuits: Half-Adder, Full Adder- Flip Flops - Sequential Circuits. ICs – Decoders – Multiplexers – Registers – Shift Registers – Binary Counters – Memory Unit – Register Transfer Language – Register Transfer – Bus And Memory Transfers – Arithmetic , Logic And Shift Micro Operations , Arithmetic Logic Shift Unit.

Module II Introduction, Computer Evolution and Performance, System Buses : Computer Components, Computer Function, Interconnection Structures, Bus Interconnection, PCI. Internal Memory : Computer Memory system, Semi Conductor Main Memory, Cache Memory, Advanced DRAM Organization. External Memory : Magnetic Disk, Optical Memory, Magnetic Tapes. Input / Output: External Devices, I/O Modules, Programmed I/O, Interrupted –Driven I/O, DMA, I/O Channels and Processors, External Interface.

Module III Computer Arithmetic: ALU, Integer Representation, Integer Arithmetic, Floating - Point Representation, Floating - Point Arithmetic Representation. Instruction Sets: Characteristics and Functions: Machine Instruction Characteristics, Types of Operands, Types of Operations, Assembly Language, Instruction Sets: Addressing modes and Formats: Addressing, Instruction Formats. CPU Structure and Function: Processor Organization, Register Organization, Instruction Cycle, Instruction Pipelining.

Module IV Reduced Instruction Sets Computers: Instruction Execution Characteristics, Reduced Instruction Set Architecture, RISC Pipelining, The RISC versus CISC Controversy. Control Unit Operations: Micro Operations, Control of the Processor, Hardwired Implementation, Micro programmed Control: Microinstruction sequencing, Microinstruction Execution.

COS512 Data Structures and C++

Module I: Introduction to Object Oriented programming: Object Oriented programming Concepts- Class, Objects, Messaging, Polymorphism and Inheritance. Syntax and semantics of C++, Object Oriented programming in C++

Module II: Implementation of Object Oriented programming Concepts in C++ - classes, objects, constructors, destructors, inheritance, templates, exception handling. Linear Data Structure: Arrays, Linked lists, stack and queue.

Module III: Nonlinear Data Structures: Trees,- binary tree, AVL trees; Graphs and its representations. File structures – Fields, records and files, sequential, direct, indexed sequential and relative files, Hashing, Inverted lists and Multi-lists, B trees and B+ trees.

COS513 Mathematical Foundations Of Computer Science

Module I: Mathematical Logic-Propositional (Boolean) Logic, Predicate Logic, Well-Formed Formulae (WFF), Satisfiability and Tautology, Review of Set Theory and Vector Space, Relations, Functions, Pigeonhole Principle, Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, Equivalence and Partial Orderings, Elementary Counting Techniques.

Module II: Algebraic structures:-Semigroups and Monoids, Homomorphism , Isomorphism, Groups, Subgroups, Symmetric Groups, Co-sets and Lagrange’s Theorem, Normal Subgroups, Permutation of Groups and Burnsides Theorem, Finite fields and Error correcting/detecting codes. Graphs-Basic Terminology, Weighted Graphs, Walk, Path and Circuit, Hamiltonian Paths and Circuits, Planar Graphs and Euler’s formula, Trees, Rooted tress, Prefix codes, Binary Search Trees, Spanning Trees, Eccentricity of a vertex radius and diameter of a graph.

Module III: Introduction to formal languages: Basic concepts of automata theory, Finite automata: Deterministic finite automata, Non- Deterministic finite automata, PDA, DPDA, CFG, Turing Machine and Chomsky hierarchy of languages.

COS514 Advanced Database Management Systems

Module I: Introduction to Databases, Database Environment, The Relational Model and Languages: The Relational Model, Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus, QBE, Database Design:, ER diagrams and their transformation to relational design, Normalization, Security, Transaction Management: Transaction Support, Concurrency Control, Database Recovery.

Module II: Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Control Language (DCL) commands, Database objects like – Views, indexes, sequences, synonyms and data dictionary, SQL.

Module III: Object Oriented Database Management Systems: Concepts, Composite objects, Integration with RDBMS applications, Issues in OODBMSs, Advantages and Disadvantages of OODBMSs Object-Oriented Database Design. Decision making processes, evaluation of DSS, Group decision support system. Distributed Databases.

Semester - II

COS521 Operating Systems

Module I: Introduction, Mainframe Systems, Desktop Systems, Multiprocessor Systems Distributed Systems, Clustered Systems, Real-Time Systems, Handheld Systems. Computer - System Structure: Computer-System Operation, I/O Structure, Storage Hierarchy, Hardware Protection, Network Structure. Operating - System Structures: System Components, Operating System Services, System Calls, System Programs, System Structure and Virtual Machines. Process Management: Processes: Process Concept, Process Scheduling, Operating on Processes, Cooperating process, Inter-process Communication. Threads: Multithreading Models, Multithreading Issues, Pthreads.

Module II: CPU Scheduling: Scheduling Criteria and Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple-Processor Scheduling, Real Time Scheduling and Algorithms Evaluation. Process Synchronization: Critical Section Problem, Semaphores & Monitors. Deadlock: Deadlock-Characterization, Methods of Handling the Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Avoidance, Detection and Recovery. Storage Management: Memory Management: Swapping, Contagious Allocation, Paging, Segmentation and Segmentation with Paging. Virtual Memory: Demand Paging, Page Replacement, Allocation of frames, Thrashing.

Module III: File System Interface: Access Methods, Directory Structure, File Sharing, Protection. File System Implementation: File System Structure, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management. I/O Systems: I/O Hardware, Application I/O Interface, Kernel I/O Subsystem, Transforming I/O to Hardware Operations. Mass-Storage Structure: Disks Structure, Disk scheduling and Management, Swap-Space Management. Protection: Goals of Protection, Domain of Protection, Access Matrix, Implementation of Access Matrix, Revocation of Access Rights, Language-Based Protection. Security: Security Problem, User Authentication, Program Threats, System Threats, Encryption and Computer Security. Case Studies: Linux System, Windows 2000, Windows XP.

COS522 Computer Networks

Module I: Network fundamentals and Data Communication: Local Area Network (LAN), Metropolitan Area Network (MAN), Wide Area Network (WAN), Wireless Networks, Internetworks; Data Communication: Channel capacity. Transmission media-twisted pair, coaxial cables, fibre-optic cables, wireless transmission, multiplexing, switching, narrowband ISDN, broadband ISDN, ATM, High speed LAN’s, The Web and HTTP; File Transfer: FTP; Electronic Mail in the Internet; DNS-The Internet's Directory Service.

Module II: Transport Layer- Introduction and Transport-Layer Services, Multiplexing and Demultiplexing, Connectionless Transport: UDP, Principles of Reliable Data Transfer, Connection-Oriented Transport: TCP, Principles of Congestion Control, TCP Congestion Control, Networking Layer & Routing- Introduction and Network Service Model, Routing Principles, Hierarchical Routing, Inter-networking:Switch/Hub,Bridge,Router,Gateways,Concatenated virtual circuits, Fragmentation,Firewalls.The Internet Protocol, Routing and the Internet, What's Inside a Router, IPv6, Multicast Routing, Mobility and the Network Layer.

Module III: Link Layer- Data Link Layer: Introduction and Services, Error Detection and Correction Techniques, Multiple Access Protocols, LAN Addresses and ARP, Ethernet. Hubs, Bridges and Switches, Wireless Links, PPP: The Point-to-Point Protocol, Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), Frame Relay, Network Security-cryptography-public key, secret key. Wireless & Mobility- Introduction to Wireless and Mobility. Wi-fi, Mobility Principles, Cellular Telephony, Mobile IP, Ad hoc Networks, Moving Beyond the Link Layer-An Interlude.

COS523 Network Programming in Java

Module I : Introduction to programming in java - Syntax and semantics of Java. Characteristics of java - a comparative study between java & C++. Interfaces, Packages, Exception handling, Multithreading, AWT and applets, data base programming in Java.

Module II: Computer Network and Internet Addressing. Introduction to inter-process communication & Sockets, Java and Network programming: Sockets – Client & Server sockets, UDP Datagrams. URLConnection. Remote Method Invocation.

Module III: Web services: Web server – apache & IIS, Basic knowledge in HTML & XML Introduction to client side scripting languages – JavaScript & VB scripts, Introduction to server side scripting languages Servlets, JSP and PHP.

COS524 Design and Analysis Of Algorithms

Module I: Review of basic data structures. Design of Efficient Algorithms -algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Time and Space complexity, Asymptotic Notations, Average case analysis of simple programs like finding of a maximum of n elements. Recursion and its systematic removal. quicksort - non recursive implementation with minimal stack storage..

Module II: Design of algorithms - Divide and conquer-General methods, binary search, Min Max; Greedy Method -Elements of greedy strategy, 0-1-knapsack problem, Graph Algorithms – Breadth First Search, Depth First Search , Minimum Spanning Trees, Single Source Shortest Path.

Module III: Dynamic Programming –all pairs shortest path. Backtracking, Branch and Bound – TSP problem. Deterministic and non deterministic algorithms, NP hard and NP complete problems.

Semester - III

COS531 System Software and Compiler Design

Module I: Assembly language fundamentals (8085 based assembly language programming). Assemblers- One pass and Two pass. Macro, Macro Processors- Macro definition and expansion. Macro processor algorithm, Macro processor Design options. Loading, Linking, Relocation, Program relocatability, Linkage editors, Bootstrap compilers.

Module II: Compilers- Compiler structure, compiler construction tools, Phases of compiler, Finite Automata, Push Down Automata (PDA), Non-determinism and NFA, DPDA and PDAs and languages accepted by these structures. Grammars, Languages-Types of grammars-type 0, type 1, type 2, type 3. The relationship between types of grammars, and finite machines. Push Down Automata (PDA) and Context free grammars (CFG). Lexical analysis: Specification and recognition of tokens, regular expressions and regular languages. LEX package on Unix. Conversion of NFA to DFA. Minimizing the number of states to DFA. Compilation and Interpretation.

Module III: Context free grammars (CFG): Parsing and parse trees. Representation of parse (derivation) trees as rightmost and leftmost derivations. Top-down parsers-left recursion and its removal, Recursive descent parser and predictive parser. Bottom up parsers-shift reduce, operator precedence parsing, LR parsers. YACC package on Unix system. Intermediate Codes-Quadruples, triples. Intermediate code generation, Code generation, Code Optimization-optimization.

COS532 Software Engineering – An Oo Approach

Module I: Introduction: Structured Programming versus Object Orientated Paradigm. Object Orientation : Benefits, Drawbacks-Object Oriented Software Process. Gathering User Requirements: Fundamental Requirement gathering Techniques-Interviewing, Brainstorming. Essential Use Case Modeling : Drawing Use Case Diagrams, Use Cases : Identifying use cases, Modeling different logic flows. Domain modeling with class responsibility collaborator (CRC) cards: Preparing to CRC Model, Finding classes and responsibilities, Defining collaborators, Arranging CRC cards, Advantages and disadvantages of CRC Modeling. Developing a Supplementary Specification. Identifying change cases. Requirement Validation techniques: Use case scenario testing, User interface walkthroughs, Requirement reviews.

Module II: Object - Oriented Concepts: Objects and Classes, Attributes and Methods, Abstraction, Encapsulation and Information hiding, Inheritance, Association, Aggregation, Collaboration, Persistence, Coupling and Cohesion, Polymorphism, Interfaces, Components, Patterns. Object - Oriented Analysis: System Use Case Modeling, Sequence Diagram, Conceptual Modeling, Activity Diagramming, User Interface Prototyping. Object - Oriented Design : Layered Architecture, Class Modeling, State chart modeling, collaboration modeling, Collaboration Modeling ,Component Modeling, Deployment Modeling, Relational Persistence modeling, User Interface Design. Object - Oriented Testing: Full Life Cycle Object Oriented Testing (FLOOT).

Module III: Software Process: Definition, Waterfall/Serial Development, Iterative and Incremental Development, Process patterns, Extreme Programming, Open Process, Catalysis. The Post-2000 (P2K) Environment – Skills for Specific Positions –Learning Process. Case study based on Rational Ross.

COS533 Embedded Systems

Module I Embedded Systems – Hardware Fundamentals Gates – Timing Diagrams – Memory – Microprocessors – Buses – DMA – Interrupts – UART – Other Communication Ports - Interrupts – Interrupt basis – Shared Data Problem - Interrupts Latency. Software Architecture – Round-Robin Round-Robin with Interrupt – Function Queue Scheduling Architecture – Real-Time System Architecture.

Module II Introduction to Real Time Operating Systems – Tasks –Task states – Semaphores and Shared Data. Operating Systems Services – Massage Queue, Mailboxes and Pipes – Timer Functions – Events – Memory Management – Interrupt Routines in RTOS Environment. Basic Design Using a RTOS – Overview – Principles – Encapsulating Semaphores and Queues.

Module III Embedded Software Development Tools – Host and Target Machines – Linkers/Locaters for Embedded Software – Getting Embedded Software into the Target System - Debugging Techniques - Testing on your Target Machine – Instruction Set Simulators.
COS534 Seminar

In this paper the students have to prepare a well written seminar report on any new techniques/technologies in computer science and related fields. There shall be a presentation on the basis of the report submitted. The distribution of marks is

Content : 40%
Presentation : 40%
Viva (open session) : 20%


Kerala University
Palayam Airport Road, Near Aasan Square, Palayam
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695034, India
(0471) 2305738, 2305994, 2306422
(0471) 2307158

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