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June 19th, 2014, 01:50 PM
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Past year question papers of Food Corporation of India Limited training in general

Can you please give me the past year question papers of Food Corporation of India Limited training in general as it is very urgent for me?

As you want to get the past year question papers of Food Corporation of India Limited training in general so here is the information of the same for you:

Direction (1 – 5) : In the following questions, groups of four words are given. In each group one word is

wrongly spelt. Find the wrongly spelt word and mark your answer in the Answer Sheet.


(1) Preposterous (2) Disasterous

(3) Murderous (4) Onerous


(1) Severity (2) Cruelity

(3) Sincerity (4) Superiority


(1) Begining (2) Winning

(3) Mining (4) Running


(1) Complement (2) Compliment

(3) Supplement (4) Requirement


(1) Amelirate (2) Zealot

(3) Penetrate (4) Stain

Direction (6 – 15) : In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed in bold. Below are given

alternatives to the bold part as 1, 2 and 3 which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In

case no improvement is needed, you answer is ‘4’. Blacken the appropriate rectangle in the answer sheet.

Q.6) She teaches us grammar, isn’t it?

(1) isn’t she? (2) doesn’t she?

(3) doesn’t it? (4) no improvement

Q.7) The struggle for independent is gaining movement every day.

(1) motion (2) movement

(3) momentum (4) no improvement

Q.8) She is quite without affection and has no false pride.

(1) admiration (2) affliction

(3) affectation (4) no improvement

Q.9) I complimented Raju for his promotion.

(1) with (2) on

(3) about (4) no improvement

Q.10) The food tastes deliciously.

(1) delicacy (2) delicious

(3) badly (4) no improvement

Q.11) I have seen much of the plays of Shakespeare acted.

(1) a few (2) many

(3) most (4) no improvement

Q.12) I have bought this house in 1970 for Rs. Two lakhs.

(1) had bought (2) bought

(3) have been bought (4) no improvement

Q.13) To child died from jaundice.

(1) with (2) of

(3) by (4) no improvement

Q.14) I will phone you after I shall arrive.

(1) after I shall have arrived

(2) after I arrive

(3) after I arrived

(4) no improvement

Q.15) It’s high time you come to a decision.

(1) came (2) had come

(3) have come (4) no improvement

Direction (16 – 20) : In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice. Out of the

four alternatives suggested below, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive / Active


Q.16) You surprise me.

(1) I am to be surprised (2) You are surprised

(3) I am surprised (4) Me is surprised

Q.17) The boys killed the snake with a stick.

(1) The snake was killed by the boys with a stick.

(2) A stick was killed by the boys with a snake.

(3) A snake with a stick was killed by the boys.

(4) A snake is killed by the boys with a stick.

Q.18) Let me do this.

(1) Let us do this. (2) This be done by me.

(3) Let this be done by me. (4) Let do this.

Q.19) The tiger caught a fox.

(1) A fox has been caught by the tiger.

(2) A fox was caught by the tiger.

(3) A fox is caught by the tiger.

(4) A fox had been caught by the tiger.

Q.20) Someone has lit the fire.

(1) The fire was lit by someone.

(2) You are requested to light the fire by someone.

(3) The firs has been lit by someone.

(4) The fire had been lit by someone.

Direction (21 – 25) : In the following passage, the first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6.

The rest of the sentence is split into four parts and named, P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their

proper order. Read the parts and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Then find the correct

answer and blacken the appropriate rectangle in the Answer Sheet.

Q.21) 1. Once a week Deesa led Moti Guj, the elephant, down to the river.

P. After inspection the two would stand up.

Q. Then Deesa looked at his feet and examined his whole body for sores.

R. The animal knew it was time to return.

S. The elephant lay down on his side, while Deesa rubbed him with a coir scrubber.

6. Both the elephant and the trainer would return home.

(1) SQPR (2) QSRP

(3) QPRS (4) RQSP

Q.22) 1. Anna had longed to see her son.

P. “He will arrive at the station at 10 O’clock, she said to herself.

Q. She prepared herself for it.

R. She looked at the clock.

S. There were only five minutes left.

6. She rushed out of her house and hailed a taxi to reach the station in time.

(1) QPRS (2) SPRQ

(3) PRQS (4) QSRP

Q.23) 1. Mr. Ramaswamy is a very strict man.

P. He earns nearly three thousand rupees a month.

Q. He also believes that it is foolish to waste one’s time or money.

R. He is not a poor man.

S. He believes that life means work only.

6. But he wants his children to lead a simple life.

(1) PSQR (2) SQRP

(3) RQPS (4) SRQP

Q.24) 1. It will be better.

P. to a few than enrol.

Q. to provide quality education.

R. them out as graduates.

S. en masse and churn.

6. after perfunctory teaching.

(1) QRSP (2) RSPQ

(3) QPSR (4) SRQP

Q.25) 1. ‘I was born here in the old city’ the girl told us.

P. her answer suggested that her family has roots.

Q. when we inquired.

R. as opposed to the modern towns that consist mostly of hotels.

S. and belongs to the traditional part where the temple are.

6. Some day people here are more ethnically pure.

(1) QPSR (2) SRPQ

(3) PSRQ (4) SRQP

1. (2) 2. (2) 3. (1) 4. (4) 5. (1) 6. (2) 7. (3) 8. (3) 9. (2) 10. (4) 11. (2) 12. (2) 13. (2) 14. (2) 15. (1)16. (3) 17. (1) 18. (3) 19. (2) 20. (3) 21. (1)22. (1) 23. (2) 24. (3) 25. (1)

Direction (1 – 5) : In the following passage, the first and the last parts of the sentence are numbered 1 and 6.

The rest of the sentence is split into four parts and named, P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their

proper order. Read the parts and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Then find the correct

answer and blacken the appropriate rectangle in the Answer Sheet.

Q.1) 1. Making ourselves

P. our language

Q. part of growing into

R. masters of

S. is an important

6. full manhood or womanhood

(1) PSRQ (2) SQPR

(3) RPSQ (4) PRSQ

Q.2) 1. The very first battle they fought

P. and they had to fall back

Q. cross the border

R. was lost

S. letting the enemy

6. an enter the country

(1) RQSP (2) RPSQ

(3) QRPS (4) QPRS

Q.3) 1. A nation

P. the material assets it possesses

Q. is not made by

R. and collective determination

S. but by the will

6. of the people

(1) PQRS (2) QPSR

(3) RSPQ (4) SRPQ

Q.4) 1. When the Governor

P. the bell had rung

Q. justice should be immediately

R. he ordered that

S. found out why

6. done to the horse

(1) RSPQ (2) PQSR

(3) SPRQ (4) SQRP

Q.5) 1. When you ponder over

P. that the only hope

Q. you will realize

R. of world peace lies

S. the question deeply

6. in the United Nations

(1) QRSP (2) SPQR

(3) SQPR (4) RSPQ

Direction (6 – 15) : In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. First read the passage over

and try to understand what it is about. Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given. Mark your

answer in the Answer Sheet.

The language problem is not solved by deciding the medium of instruction in the education institutions. The

problem is 81.

between State Governments still 82. At present, each State Government is 83 the process of 84 the 85 language

as the medium for 86 purposes. Then the need for a stable language for 87 communication 88. Moreover, the

Central Government shall 89 adopt a particular language for 90 own official work.


(1) communication (2) information

(3) intimation (4) decision


(1) stays (2) remains

(3) resides (4) rests


(1) into (2) through

(3) with (4) in


(1) adapting (2) imposing

(3) thrusting (4) adopting


(1) local (2) mother

(3) regional (4) foreign


(1) governmental (2) officious

(3) administrative (4) religious


(1) inter-state (2) regional

(3) international (4) intra-state


(1) come up (2) rises

(3) crops up (4) persists


(1) having to (2) have to

(3) had been (4) have been


(1) its (2) their

(3) our (4) his

Direction (16 – 25) : In the following passage, you have two brief passage with 5 questions following each

passage. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives

and blacken the appropriate rectangles in the Answer-sheet.

Passage - I
“The Law is an ass’, declared Mr. Bumble in “Oliver Twist”, and it often seems he was right. For punishment

does not always fit the crime and it rarely happens that a prison term reforms a criminal.”

Consider the following tow cases. The first one had happened in a village in Madural District. One Gopal One

Gopal Yadhav, a hard-core criminal undergoing life sentence in the Madural Prison came out on ball for two

days to perform the last rites of his mother. But he was rearrested on the same evening on the charges of

murdering his neighbour’s son the settle old scores.

The second case too came to Madural Court recently. Deserted by her husband a drunkard, his grief-stricken

wife mixed rate poison in the food and gave it to her four children aged between 1 ½ and 9 years. Before she

could swallow the same food she was unable to bear the pritiable sight of her children writhing in pain. She

rushed them to hospital where she disclosed everything. She was able to save the lives of the first three

children, but the law of the country awarded her tow years imprisonment (later commuted to one year) on the

charges of plotting to kill her children. Would you say women like here are a danger to the society? Would you

call them criminal? It is high time that we found other ways of registering our disapproval of wrong doing. To

imprison the bad is expedient – when they are dangerous. To imprison the mad and the merely sad, as we do, is

not only unnecessary, it is uncivilized.

Q.16) The writer says ‘The Law is an ass’ because

(1) it is as patient as an ass

(2) it does not punish the criminals severely

(3) punishments do not help to reform criminals

(4) criminals can escape punishment.

Q.17) Gopal Yadhav came out on ball

(1) in order to murder his enemy

(2) to cremate his mother

(3) so that he could be rearrested

(4) to see his four children undergoing treatment in the hospital

Q.18) The mother in the second case cannot be called a criminal because she

(1) rushed her children to the hospital

(2) mixed an ineffective poison in the food

(3) was able to save three out of four children

(4) was deserted by her husband.

Q.19) The writer argues that punishments for people like the woman in the second case are not necessary

because they

(1) don’t commit crimes frequently

(2) are less dangerous than other criminals

(3) represent poor society

(4) should not be clubbed with other criminals

Q.20) The main difference between the two case is

(1) the first is about a man and the other is about a woman

(2) the woman regrets what she has done, but not the man

(3) the man is a lifer but the woman is not

(4) the man and the woman belong to different communities

Passage - II

The United Nations Fourth World Women’s Conference had a colourful start at Beijing on September 4th. This

is the century’s most crucial conference which aimed at changing the status quo of women’s lives

characterized by inequality.

In a preliminary session, Ms. Aung Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize winner said that expanding women’s

power will bring greater peace and tolerance to the world.

“It is not the prerogative of men alone to bring light to this world. Women with their capacity for compassion

and self-sacrifice, with their courage and perseverance have done much to dissipate the darkness of intolerance

and hate”, said Ms. Suu Kyi.

In the afternoon session Ms. Ayako Yamaguchi, a Japanese delegate, launched a petition against beauty

pageants. “What right do men have to evaluate women in a few minutes? All women are beautiful. Beauty is

something different for everyone”, Ms Ayako Yamaguchi said.

“Beauty contests are used as trade and exploitation. The training is very vigorous but it is the organizers, not

the women, who get the full benefit”, said Ms Ranjana Bhargava. “After the competition, the women become

trapped and the abuse and the bad things begin. The women are tainted no one else will accept them”.

Q.21) The Women’s World Conference was very important because

(1) Ms Aung Suu Kyi has just been awarded the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize

(2) Ms Aung Suu Kyi was taking part in the Conference

(3) its main purpose was to change inequalities between men and women

(4) it was to protest against beauty contests

Q.22) Which of the following arguments of Ms Aung Suu Kyi is not true?

(1) Women also can bring greater peace to the world.

(2) Men cannot claim they have done more for peace.

(3) Women have the capacity for compassion and sacrifice.

(4) Men have done nothing to dissipate ignorance.

Q.23) The main emphasis in Ms. Ayako Yamaguchi’s argument is

(1) men have no right to judge women.

(2) men should be given more time to evaluate women.

(3) all women are beautiful in a way.

(4) beauty contests are not necessary.

Q.24) “Beauty is something different for everyone”.

This statement means

(1) beauty is certainly different from ugliness.

(2) beautiful women do not mingle with other women.

(3) beauty cannot be defined adequately.

(4) each woman is beautiful.

Q.25) “Colourful start” in the first sentence refers to

(1) participants who were all beautiful

(2) a lot of excitement and cheerfulness in the conference hall

(3) absence of black coloured girls

(4) flags of various colours outside the conference hall

1. (3) 2. (2) 3. (2) 4. (3) 5. (3) 6. (1) 7. (2) 8. (4) 9. (4) 10. (3)
11. (3) 12. (1) 13. (1) 14. (2) 15. (1) 16. (3) 17. (2) 18. (1)
19. (2) 20. (2) 21. (3) 22. (4) 23. (1) 24. (3) 25. (2)

1 (95.6x 910.3) ÷ 92.56256 = 9?

(A) 13.14

(B) 12.96

(C) 12.43

(D) 13.34

(E) None of these

2. (4 86%of 6500) ÷ 36 =?

(A) 867.8

(B) 792.31

(C) 877.5

(D) 799.83

(E) None of these

3. (12.11)2 + (?)2 = 732.2921


(B) 24.2


(D) 19.2

(E) None of these

4.576÷ ? x114=8208





(E) None of these

5. (1024—263—233)÷(986—764— 156) =?





(E) None of these

6. ?125÷5x ?=6265


(B) 1250


(D) 1550

(E) None of these

7.(42)2÷6.3 x 26 =?


(B) 7269


(D) 7240

(E) None of these



(B) 9216


(D) 6814

(E) None of these



(B) 5.25


(D) 6.12

(E) None of these

10. ?2704 x ?2209=?





(E)None of these






(E) None of these

12. (2560 x 1.4) +(7400 x 0.6) =?


(B) 9746


(D) 8024

(E) None of these

13. 36%of 850+? %of 592 = 750





(E) None of these

14.64%of 2650+40% 0f 320=?


(B) 1902


(D) 1964

(E) None of these

15. 486+32×25—59=?

(A) 514

(B) 528

(C) 599

(D) 507

(E) None of these

16. 1827÷ 36 x ?=162.4




(D) 3.7

(E) None of these

17. 1008÷36=?


(B) 32.5


(D) 22.2

(E) None of these

18. 56.21 +2.36+5.41 —21.4+1.5=?


(B) 46.18


(D) 43.12

(E) None of these

19. 65%of 320+?=686

(A) 480

(B) 452


(D) 475

(E) None of these

20. 83250÷?=74×25


(B) 45


(D) 55

(E) None of these

21. ?7744=?





(E)None of these

22.35%of ?=242





(E) None of these

23. 1256+4813+765=?


(B) 5876


(D) 6878

(E) None of these

24. 22 x4+(?)2=(13)2

(A) 81

(C) 27

(B) 9

(D) 64

(E) None of these

25. 432+2170+35=?


(B) 475


(D) 469

(E) None of these

26. Three numbers are in the ratio of 3: 4 :5 respectively. If the sum of

the first and third numbers is more than the second number by 52, then

which will be the largest number?

(A) 65

(B) 52

(C) 79

(D) 63

(E) None of these

27. The compound interest on a certain amount for 2 years at the rate of

8 p.c.p.a. is Rs.312. What will be the simple interest on the same amount

and at the same rate and same time?

(A)Rs. 349.92

(B) Rs. 300

(C)Rs. 358.92

(D) Rs. 400

(E) None of these

28. The length of a rectangle exceeds its breadth by 7 ems. If the length

is decreased by 4 cm. and the breadth is increased by 3 cms., then the

area of the new rectangle will be the same as the area of the original

rectangle. What will be the perimeter of the original rectangle?

(A)45 cms.

(B)40 cems.

(C)50 cms.

(D)55 cms.

(E)None of these

29. The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 12. If the new number

formed by reversing the digits is greater than the original number by 54,

then what will be the original number?


(B) 48


(D) 93

(E) None of these

30. In a fraction, twice the numerator is two more than the denominator.

If 3 is added to the numerator and the denominator each, then the

resultant fraction will be 2/3 .What was the original fraction ?





(E) None of these

31. Four-fifth of a number is 10 more than two-third of the same number.

What is the number?

(A) 70

(B) 75

(C) 69

(D) 85

(E) None of these

32. A shopkeeper purchased 200 bulbs for Rs. 10 each. However, 5 bulbs

were fused and had to be thrown away. The remaining were sold at Rs. 12

each. What will be the percentage


(A) 25

(B) 15

(C) 13

(D) 17

(E) None of these

33. What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the number

series given below?

25, 34, 52,79, 115,?


(B) 140


(D) 190

(E)None of these

34. What number should replace both the question marks (?) in the

following question ?

?/144= 49 /?


(B) 76


(D) 84

(E)None of these

35. The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 252. What is the sum of

the smallest and the largest numbers?


(B) 148


(D) 198

(E) None of these

36. Ajay spends 25% of his salary on house rent, 5% on food, 15% on

travel, 10% on clothes and the remaining amount of Rs. 27,000 is saved.

What is Ajay’s income?

(A) Rs. 60,000

(B) Rs. 80,500

(C) Rs. 60,700

(D) Rs. 70,500

(E) None of these

37. In how many different ways, can the letters of the word ‘CRISIS’ be

arranged ?

(A) 150

(B) 240

(C) 120

(D) 200

(E) None of these

38. At each corner of a square park with side equal to 40 m, there is a

flower bed in the form of a sector of radius 14 m. What is the area of

the remaining part of the park?

(A)984 Square m

(B) 789 Square m

(C) 1014 Square m

(D) 1024 Square m

(E) None of these

39. The length of a rectangular field is thrice its breadth. If the cost

of cultivating the field at Rs. 367.20 per square meter is Rs. 27,540,

then what is the perimeter of the rectangle?


(B) 39m



(E) None of these

40. If the fractions8/5,7/2,9/5,5/4,4/5 are arranged in descending order

of their values, which one will be fourth?





(E) 7/2

41. The present ages of Chetna and Shikha are in the ratio of 5 :7

respectively. After 7 years, their ages will be in the ratio of 11:14

respectively. What is the difference between their ages?

(A)9 years

(B) 4 years

(C)5 years

(D) 7 years

(E) None of these

42. If 13 men can complete a piece of work in 36 days, then in how many

days will 18 men complete the same work?

(A)16 days

(B) 20 days

(C)26 days

(D) 30 days

(E) None of these

43. If the area of a circle is 75.44 square cm then what is the

circumference of the circle?

(A)29.2 cm

(B) 28.9 cm

(C)30.8 cm

(D) 40.2 cm

(E) None of these

44. Girish started a business investing Rs. 45,000. After 3 months, Vijay

joined him with a capital of Rs. 60,000. After another 6 months, Ankush

joined them with a capital of Rs. 90,000. At the end of the year, they

made a profit of Rs. 16,500. What is Girish’s share of profit ?

(A) Rs. 5,500

(B) Rs. 6,000

(C) Rs. 6,600

(D) As. 5,900

(E) None of these

45. What is the average age of a family of five members, whose ages are

42, 49, 56, 63 and 35 years respectively?

(A)60 years

(B) 49 years

(C)45 years

(D) 58 years

(E) None of these

46. A and B are two taps which can fill a tank individually in 10 minutes

and 20 minutes respectively. However, there is a leakage at the bottom

which can empty a filled tank in 40 minutes. If the tank is empty

initially, how much time will both the taps take to fill the tank

(leakage is still there) ?

(A) 8 minutes

(B) 7 minutes

(C) 10 minutes

(D)15 minutes

(E) None of these

47. What is 50% of 40% of Rs. 3,450?

(A) Rs. 690

(B) As. 520

(C) Rs. 517.5

(D) Rs. 499.2

(E) None of these

48. If an amount of Rs. 5,86,700 is distributed equally amongst 25

persons, then how much would each person get?

(A) Rs. 2,54,876

(B) Rs. 2,34,68

(C) Rs. 3,74,20

(D) Rs. 1,95,62

(E) None of these

49. An urn contains 9 blue, 7 white and 4 black balls. If 2 balls are

drawn at random, then what is the probability that only one ball is


(A) 71/190

(B) 121/190

(C) 91/190

(D) 93/190

(E) None of these

50. If the price of 5 transistors and 2 pen stands is Rs. 810, then what

will be the price of 7 transistors and 9 pen stands?

(A) Rs. 1,320

(B) Rs. 1,500

(C) Rs.1,150

(D) Cannot be determined

(E) None of these


1 - D 2 - C 3 - B 4 - A 5 - D 6 - A 7 - E 8 - B 9 - E 10 - B 11 - C 12

- D 13 - D 14 - A 15 - B

16 - B 17 - A 18 - C 19 - E 20 - B 21 - A 22 - C 23 - E 24 - B 25 - A 26

- A 27 - B 28 - C 29 - C 30 - D 31 - B 32 - D 33 - A 34 - D 35 - C 36 -

A 37 - E 38 - A 39 - D 40 - B 41 - E 42 - C 43 - C

44 - A 45 - B 46 - A 47 - A 48 - B 49 - E 50 - D

Contact Details:
Food Corporation Of India Limited
Rajendra Bhawan,
Rajendra Palace,
New Delhi,
Delhi ‎
011 2571 0962

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Last edited by Neelurk; March 17th, 2020 at 11:21 AM.
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