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April 8th, 2017, 08:06 AM
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Re: Personal Interview Questions And Answers For MBA Admission

As you asking here I am telling sample Personal Interview Questions And Answers For MBA Admission in India’s top MBA colleges

1)Tell me something about yourself which is not mention in your resume?
Ans.First make sure that you know how to frame your answer properly .Here you can share some points like:
*An achievements in schools or college that is not mention in your resume.
*Your interests or hobbies.
*Share your goals.
*Life,beyond your personal life.
*You can summarize your training or past work experience.
But be careful if you are going on and on,then it is a good idea to keep checking with the interviewer, when you see him getting bored, you can just cut it short and a pinch
of humor for making it a long one.

2)Why you want to do MBA?
Ans.It sounds like very simple questions on hearing but attempting to answer it is not an easy task.You need to be quiet smart while answering.I know there is no fixed answer
for this question but your answer should be logical and better still if you can portray your future plans, and link your future goals to your MBA.You can mention points like
you want to do MBA for:
*For Career progression
*For Career Shift
*For Knowledge
*For Networking
*For Brand Equity
*For Self-Growth
*For Change of Geography

3)What are your hobbies and interests?
Ans.Always remember that all the questions posed to you during an interview will not directly relate to the position you are applying for.Sometimes they may ask about your
personal life to understand you better as a person.So your answers should be genuine and constructive but don't lie or mislead the interviewer.Rather, carefully choose what
you say and base responses on what you think the interviewer wants to know about you.Share a mix of interests that demonstrates the skills related to the position.And make
sure that you have at-least basic knowledge of that thing you are about to mention.For example if you are about to mention book reading then you must know about the authors of
the books or the name of the books you have read with the reasons that why you love reading.

4)Why do you want to join this institute ?
Ans.Here you need to do some homework in advance to answer these questions so research about their specializations and their placements specially, it can convince the
interviewer that you are sincerely interested .Be honest and confident while answering this question that why you actually want to be a part of this institute.There are some
certain criteria that students searches to choose an institute that you can mention here are:
*Best Location
*Reasonable fees
*Good placements with high packages

5)Tell us about your hometown?
Ans.There is no need to worry in this question.Just be honest and proud while answering this question.Share the positive points about your hometown and how it has shaped you.
You can mention the famous places of your hometown, what you like most and how much time you spend there.But keep your answer in short.

6)What are your biggest strong points?
Ans.This is a commonly-asked question in all interviews.You must be prepared to talk about your strong points or strengths.Your strengths must relate to the interviewer's
requirements i.e Your strengths align with the institute’s needs or You have qualities,skills, and experience that set you apart from the competition.For example you may say:
*I always see to it that I finish my task ahead of the given time. I show that I am passionate about
what I am doing.
*My biggest strength is working with a team and bringing a smile to my customers' faces. I enjoy
having a good impact on peoples' lives and giving people a reason to smile.
*My attitude is my strength. The way I think gives me confidence to complete my task, no matter how
hard the task is. And my attitude helps me to give this frank and bold answer.

7)What were your favorite subjects at school and why?
Ans.Be honest as much as possible.Mention subjects directly connected with the specialization you are having.For reasons that why you like these subjects you mention special
projects outside of school work as these show a keen interest in the subject and field and how much loved studying these subjects.For example if you have finance specialization
then for reasons that why you like these subjects,you can say that you enjoyed accounting and finance classes so much.

8)Describe your ideal job?
Ans.Every one needs a idol job like:
*Where skills are utilized to the maximum and allows me to grow within the organization.
*Which provides opportunity to learn, progress and contribute to the organization.
*Would be Open, supportive, entrepreneurial, stimulating, collaborative, inspiring, focused on
fostering strengths.
*which is friendly, fast paced, available to learning new things, challenging and of course
opportunity for career advancement.
*A job where you can use your creative abilities to support, aid and mentor other professionals.
Everyone have their different points for ideal job so there is nothing to worry just be honest and smart.But never mention about salary or good packages.

9)What is success for you?
Ans.This question does not have any wrong answer it only depends on you that how effectively and good you can make the answer.Here you only need to impress your interviewer with
your smart,positive and inspired thoughts.Just provide an accepted definition of success and then support this with good examples of your own success.It is important to relate
your interview answer in some way to the position you are interviewing for.Take a look on examples:
*Sir, to me success is living a better today than yesterday And surely, living a better today can
motivate me to plan out for a much better tomorrow.
*To me success is that which you achieve by your hard work and satisfaction.
*Success is to achieve the goal and be happy with it. Success is all about satisfaction own self.
*When we want something within specific period of time and in that time we achieve we want that's called success.

10)Tell me about your weaknesses?
Ans.It will be quiet tricky question if you will not be prepared.The interviewer ask this question to reveal your shortcomings,but if you use the right way to way then it can
be a golden opportunity to show that you are right for the job.You just need to show yourself in the best possible way.Think about it in advance and you’ll be able to answer
this question smartly that helps you to come across in a positive light.And Try to turn a negative into a positive.For example:
*I get disturbed if my work is not completed on time & I always listen to my heart but sometimes
you have to take decisions with your mind.
*My weakness no smile but still I am working on this part to overcome.
*when I get hungry,it affect my work.Speed of work is decrease so to overcome from it I always
keep some food with me.
*Workaholic',can't say NO very flexible in helping, trying to overcome my weaknesses.

11)What are your long term goals? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Ans.Long-term goals are important for a career.Careers last your whole working life Long-term goals help you think about the education you will need.So you must be always
prepared with your long term goals.Here you need to show your interviewer that how much future oriented you are.But Keep your answer fairly general,Stress your interest
in a long-term career and Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the MBA as an exciting next step for you.Stating your goals in terms of results which you would like to produce
is another angle for responding.

12)How would you manage stress with studies and assignments?
Ans.There are some key steps to manage your stress that you can mention and can apply in your personal life too.These are:
*Learn how to relax.
*Establish some work-life boundaries for yourself.
*Accepting help from trusted friends and family members can improve your ability to manage
*To avoid the negative effects of chronic stress and burnout, we need time to replenish and return to
our per-stress level of functioning.
*Avoiding pitfalls by identifying knee jerk habits and negative attitudes that add to the stress you
experience at studies.
*Taking responsibility for improving your physical and emotional well-being.

13)According to you what are the qualities of successful manager?
Ans.An successful manager taps into talents and resources in order to support and bring out the best in others.An outstanding manager evokes possibility in others.Qualities of
successful manager are:
*Being Human.
*Future oriented.

14)Why did you choose this specialization (Marketing,Finance or HR)?
Ans.Show your passion for the specialization you choose that how much you passionate about it,how much you love to study this subject,what are the benefits of studying this
subject and why you are perfect for this.For example:
*If you choose HR then you can say Basically i am a peoples person and enjoy interacting with
different levels of people which is a basic requisite for any HR Personnel.Even I believe i can
excel in people management too and hence for me HR is the right field where i can utilise my skills.
*If you choose Marketing then you can say you like marketing because marketing transmits
innovation, increase their business knowledge, build lasting relationships and handle problems
and increase self motivation.
*If you choose Finance the you can say simple! Changes in the rise of the financial sector a
combination of opportunity and favorable economic scenario in India has become one
of the favorite choice among students of finance.

15)How do you spend your spare time?
Ans.Its a trap question.The interviewer is trying to get to know you a little, but play it safe.What seems like an interesting hobby to you could be a little weird to the
interviewer and it helps interviewer to determine what type of person and potential advantages or disadvantages their “spare time” can bring.So give a well rounded answer that
includes your hobbies or interests as well as PRODUCTIVE uses of time like giving back to the community, spending time with family, or learning another language. As a
interviewer, it definitely looks bad when people answer the question with vague answers or unproductive interests like playing play-station, sleeping, watching tv, clubbing,
or hanging out.

16)Why should we select you?
Ans.Tell them why you are perfect then others and give them strong reasons to select you.This question will deal with your ability to sell yourself.Here you need to think of
yourself as a product and why should the customer buy you? Give them the valid reasons.The best way to answer this question is to make a short list of your qualities,skills
similar to the job profile you are aiming at in a paragraph that would point out the positive aspects that you would bring to the new job position.Show up your quick learning
and excellent communication skills to the interviewer.

17)Tell me about your graduation experience?
Ans.Share what you have learned there, your journey everything but in short.But you need to share only positive aspects with your interviewer.You may say that my graduation
experience not only prepared me for my career, it prepared me for life outside of my career.I gained skills that cannot be taught.Through interactions with fellow students,
professors, internship supervisors, and coworkers, as well as other college staff, I earned a "degree" in people and social skills that I did not even sign up for.I learned
a lot about myself during my four years in college. I faced challenges that I never thought I would come across and in turn, I have become more confident. I am sure that my
passion and talent in painting in combination with my confidence as an artist will enable me to be successful in the art world.

18)What are your personal values?
Ans.Before you answer this question, you need to know what, in general, values are.Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work.You
should determine your priorities, and, deep down, they're probably the measures you use to tell if your life is turning out the way you want it to.When you define your personal
values, you discover what's truly important to you.A good way of starting to do this is to look back on your life to identify when you felt really good, and really confident
that you were making good choices.You should speak to your integrity, your character, and your work ethic. As long as you’re saying something positive, that’s a good thing.

19)What is your favorite colour and why?
Ans.Tell your favorite colour and let few words about it.For example:
*My favorite colour is blue.because blue is cool colour. It is the colour of sky. It is the colour of sea.It
is the colour of Indian cricket team.and last but not the least It suits on me.
*My fav.colour is white.it signifies peace,its attractive. It is the second colour in Indian flag.everyone
likes it.It suits everyone.everything in white is beautiful and appreiciable.
*My favorite colour is pink.when ever i see pink colour i get smile on my face. pink colour resembles
friend ship and it is the only colour which fills energy in my-life.

20)Who is your inspiration and why?
Ans.Name a person who has inspired you and then describe specifically how this inspiration relates to your work.For example:
*My inspiration is my father because I learned everything from my father, how to survive, how to earn,
how to approach, and everything.
*My inspiration is my best friend. He is good in a lot of studies. But it's not special, because he come
from the family whose the economy is good. I'm living well with my family's homeliness. But I will
show to all that I'll be successful and well-known.
*I am inspired by Narendra Modi. He is a very good man who has been a PM. His regular hard work
made him achieve his goals. He not only look for him but he look for whole nation. He is a good

21)What are your expectations of this programer?
Ans.Here you should clearly demonstrate you have done your homework about the school and how its strengths will help you achieve your career expectations.Make sure you
research the facts behind your answer or you may come across as not having done your homework.Be honest and tell them what actually you expecting from this institute.For example
you can say that my expectation of this programer was to be able to utilize my skills and knowledge efficiently and effectively, I also expect career growth personally.

22)What do you know about our college?
Ans.The interviewer wants to know if you’ve done your homework or not.So before going for interview you need to collect information about college as much as possible,go through
the school's web site.Research about achievement,history,Values,current issues and key players of school you are applying for.Look for new programs, projects, new directions.
Look for their mission and how they describe themselves.

23)What is your philosophy of study?
Ans.Philosophy of study is just that how you stay focused on studies, how you study to get more productive results.There are some ways which you can add to your philosophy
of study to stay focused.These are:
*First things first: start with the basics and set your study goals.
*Once you know what you want, the next step is to prepare a weekly study timetable.
*Learn to say no when you are busy.
*Stay focused on your priorities.

24)Tell me some thing about your dream job.
Ans.A dream job is a job that combines your talents and passions in a way that is meaningful to YOU.This is a simple funnel question. It is wide open at the top, and the
answer will direct the next few minutes of the interview. This is an opportunity for you, whether you have a dream job in mind or not.This question is a chance for you to show
where your passion and interests are and you should.So convey your long-term interest in a high-level position, without overshadowing your interest in the job you are dreaming.

25)What motivates you to do your best everyday?
Ans.There are some steps by which you can motivate yourself to do your best every day.These are:
*Passion-Do things you have a passion for. We all have to do things we don’t want to.But if life has
become a chronic source of dull chores, you’ve got a big problem that needs fixing.
*Habits-Waking up at the same time, working at the same times and having a similar productive routine
makes it easier to do the next day.
*Flow-Flow is the state where your mind is completely focused on the task at hand.Find ways to
tweak your tasks so they hover in that sweet spot between boredom and maddening frustration.
*Stop thinking in terms of fear.
*Work efficiently
*Make time for yourself.

26)Do you read newspaper or magazines?
Ans.The interviewer is checking your knowledge on current affair and general awareness.So browse through the newspaper that morning they might ask you what was the front page
headline, they might ask you your favorite columnists name.Same goes for the magazine, make sure you have read the last edition .

27)Recommend a good book to me.
Ans.The interviewer is trying to accomplish a few things with this question.First, the question asks whether or not you've actually read much. Second, it asks you to apply
some critical skills as you articulate why a book is worth reading.If you are interested in reading then this question will not be a major problem but if you don't like reading
then you must be enough smart to handle the question like this.

28)Tell me about your family background.
Ans.First always be positive about your family background.Just simply tell them how many members are there in your family,their qualifications and how they influenced you to
do an MBA..Keep the former short and describe the influence of your family on your personality in detail.For example you can say :
*My respected father name is Mr.XYZ. He is in government service as a ADO. My mother is a house
wife. Inspit-of being a very family lady. She has been a great source of motivation in my life. A part
from this I have one brother and one sister. They all are loving and supporting in nature.

29)What will you do with your MBA degree?
Ans.You may not know which company you will be working for after post graduation, but you need to at least have an industry, field, or one or more positions in mind.Business
school is not college you need to know what your major is before you start.Your ultimate career goal must be in line with your specialization.Students with an MBA can also
choose to go it on their own and start their own businesses.There are a variety of MBA programs that provide specialty training in entrepreneurship to help those who have a
great business idea finally get the training and expertise, not to mention the business connections, to get it off the ground.So you can say that you will start your own
business and share the idea of blueprint of that with them.

30)Do you have any questions for us?
Ans.You must ask at least one question. If you fail to ask questions, your interviewer will assume you are not very interested in attending their school. Think about it.
MBA is going to be one of the biggest investments you will ever make.You can ask for more information that you was not not able to find on website.Ans its better to prepare
some question ahead of time that highlight your strengths and relate to your goals.Ask a question based on something you read in a brochure or on the school website or if
time permits, ask the interviewer what three adjectives he or she would use to describe the school.

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