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July 5th, 2014, 08:54 AM
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TRB Botany subject model question paper

Give me question paper for Teachers Recruitment Board PG biology examination in PDF file format ?

Here I am giving you question paper for Teachers Recruitment Board PG biology examination

1 Cane-sugar is also known as : (D) Sucrose
2 Consider the following statements:
(i) Phospholpids are compound lipids
(ii) Waxes are simple lipids of these :
(C) Both statements (i) and (ii) are
3 Among the following which protein helps the blood
(A) Thrombin
4 Zwitter ions mean: (C) Ion containing positive and
negative charges
5 Lock and key hypothesis was proposed By (C) Emil Fisher
6 The learning of a particular task facilitates subsequent
learning of another task is called
(C) Positive transfer of learning
7 Theory of hierarchical of human needs is proposed by (D) Abraham Maslow
8 Which is not defense mechanism (D) Conflict
9 Which of the following is not a biological factor of
(D) Chemique
10 The formula used to arrive IQ is: (A) M.A / C.A X 100
11 Acrogynous condition is found in (C) Jungermaniales
12 Which of the following is the positive evidence of aquatic
ancestory of Bryophytes?
(D) Ciliated sperms
13 Plants in which two kinds of meiospores are formed, the
plant is:
(A) Heterospores
14 Name the condition, the central core of xylem is divided
into a number of separate plates arranged parallel to each
(B) Plectostele
15 The development of the zygote form the egg cell without
the act of fertilization:
(C) Parthenogensis
16 Salazinc acid produced form: (C) Ramalina siliquosa
17 Saxicolous refers to (B) Lichens growing on rock
18 Plant disease caused by virus is : (D) TM disease
19 N2 fixation by aerobic Azatobacter, was discovered by (a) Beijerinck 1901
20 Bordeaux mixture contains: (A) Copper sulphate, lime and water
21 In chromosomal crossing over, if the double cross over is
equal to the expected value then what the value of
coincidence is.
(C) 0 %
22 A Mutant defect can be overcome by supplying the specific
nutrient or any other compound that is called:
(A) Morphological mutation
23 In cytoplasmic male sterility, crossing of parents of fertile
female with fertile male give F1 progeny containing plants
( A) Only male sterile
24 In chromosomal intersection, if the inversed segment
included centromer that is called:
(B) Pericentric inversion

25 Location of RNA polymerase I in eukaryotes: (A) Nuleoplasm
26 Vermifuge is obtained form the extracts of : (D) Durvillea
27 Quadriscutate type of antheridium is formed in which of
the following?
(B) Chara
28 Kerosene fungus refers to (C) Amorphotheca resinae
29 Fission yeast is : (A ) Schizo Saccharomyces
30 Which of the following is a fruticose lichedn? (B) Bryoria
31 Commercial sugar is obtained form (D) Shoots of sugarcane
32 The botanical ame of the plant yielding an alkalid called
Resperine is
(C ) Rauwolfia serpentina
33 Central Rice Research Institute is situated at: (D) Cuttak
34 The highest protein content is in (C) Gram
35 At present time the most accepted type of identification of
plant is
(B) Dichotomous Key
36 Split genes also called (C ) Intron ?
37 Match the following
(I) Histogen theory (a) Schuepp
(II) Tunica (b) Nageli
(III) Korper –Kappe theory (C) Schmidt
((V) Apical Cell theory (d) Hanstein
(I) (II) (III) (IV)
(A) (a) (b) (d) (c)
38 Lenticels are found in: (C) Cork
39 Heart wood is called (A) Alburnum
40 Which of the following is not a clearing agent? (D) Formalin
41 Excessive enlargement of diseased organ because of
increase in size of cells in the affected region in plants is
(A) Hypertrophy
42 Shedding of leaves is characteristic feature of ……… disease (A) Tikka diseases of groundnut
43 …… is an excellent candidate for commercial SCP which has
high vitamin content.
(D) Yeast
44 …….. is added in the paddy fields to get a high yield. (B) Nostoc
45 The enzyme that causes fermentation of glucose and
produces ethyl alcohol
(C) Zymase
46 Role of the Teacher in Child-centered Education. (D) All of these
47 Joyful Learning is based on the principles of Pedagogy
which are entirely based on :
(D) Both (A) and (B)
48 Who is the founder of the Community school viewing the
publication of “The Village College’?
(B) Henry Morris
49 The Saink schools are a system of schools in India
Conceived in 1961 by:
(D) V.K. Krishna Menon
50 Which Institute is the producer of Educational Television
programme for young children between 5 and 11 year age
? ( A) CIET, New Delhi
(? =DD-Gyan Darshan)
51 Ammonifying bacteria in the process of nitrogen fixation
is :
(D) (D) Bacillus ramosus
52 The organisms that are used to flavor food and as
leavening agent in bread making
(B) Saccharomyces cerevisiae
53 Gram negative, non spore forming bacilli found in the (C ) Proteus

intestine of man is
54 Name the genus has been used to cure pulmonary
(A) Marchanthia
*** ( M.polymorpha)
55 In which acid is attracted by antherozoids in Bryophytes? (B) Malic acid
56 The general assembly of the UNO proclaimed 1974 as the (c ) Worl population Year
57 Learner Controlled Instruction (LCI) was developed by…. (B) B.F. Skinner
58 In the 19th Century the research by ……….. proclaims that in
Bengal state of the population only 4 women were
? ( (A) Chatterji
59 “ Book illusion” is figural illustration representing which
one of the following:
60 “ Principle of Hedonism” in emotional development is a
concept that concentrates on:
(A) Pleasant ?
61 ……….. is the most widely used vital dye (A) Toluidine blue
62 The role of Tapetum layer in the development of anther is (c) Nutrition
63 The pericarp in the fruit of angiosperms develops form: (B) Ovary wall
64 The ovule is erect so that the funicale, chalaza and
micropyle lies on the same vertical line is
(C ) Orthotropous
65 Endosperm is a (D) Stored food in a seed
66 Who wrote “ The God of small Things”? (A) Arundhati Roy
67 When sodium chloride is added to water, the solution
(B) above 100oC
68 NH 7 connects (D) Varanasi to Kanyakumari
69 The Youngest nominee for the Nobel peace prize who
popularly known for women’s education rights:
(B) Malala
70 The East Indian Company of England got permission to
trade in India during the period of:
(B) Jahangir
71 Virus is made up of : (C) Nucleic acid and capsid
72 Mumps virus structure is : (A) Round shape
73 Fimbriae help in (B) Attachment of surface
74 MPN method used for (D) Determining the number of
75 Gulf weed is (A) Sargassum
76 Among the following which one is a living cell ? (D) Xylem parenchyma
77 In Nemophila the hasustoria arise at the (C ) Micropylar and Chalazal end
78 Which of the following is not a fixative ? (D) Toluene
79 Aquaporins are (C ) Integral membrane proteins
80 The transport of water form root to leaf in a tall tree is
mainly due to
(D) Cohesion of water and
transpiratation pull
81 Which of the following nutrients is essential for nitrogen
(B) Cobalt
82 Photophosphorylation means: (B) ATP synthesis in the light reaction
83 In Clycolysis, one molecule of glucose is converted into ……
Molecules of Pyruvic acid
(B) 2
84 Nitrate is reduced to Nitrite and then to ammonia . This
process is called…..
(C ) Nitrate reduction
85 Among the following which one is not a synthetic auxin (C ) Indole -3 – acetic acid
86 Age of Area hypothesis was propounded by: (A) Wills

87 The movement of propagules form one place to another is
(A) Migration
88 Laurasia and Gondwana together is called: (B) Pangaea
89 The smallest repetitive unit of soil is called (A) Pedon
90 Which of the following part of the Lepidocarbon is
obtained as fossil?
(D) Seeds
91 The first artificial cloning vector developed in 1977 is (B) pBR 322
92 Blue white selection method used the following reporter
(C ) lac Z
93 Benzyladenine is a: (D) Cytokinin
94 CRYEMA test is useful for distinguishing: (B) Rhizobium and Agrobacterium
95 The study of individual species in relation to its
environment is called:
(B) Autecology
96 The third Indian National Congress (1887) vonference was
held in:
(C ) Chennai
97 Who is popularly Known as “ Gangaikonda Cholan” (B) Rajaraja I
98 Who won the Man of the Series title in 2013 ICC
Champions trophy Cricket league?
(C ) Shikhar Dhawan
99 The article which provides special status to the state
Jammu and Kashmir
(C ) Article 370
100 NCTE stands for ( C) National council for Teacher
101 The term “Taxon” was introduced BY (C ) H.J.Lam (1950)
102 The Botanical Name of China tree is (D) Melia azadarach = china berry
103 Amala belongs family (B) Euphorbiaceae
104 This cytological stain is also called auxochrome: ? (A) Picric acid
105 Before mitotic division, cells get enlarged into….. times
that of its original size.
(A) 2
106 The committee that suggested a system of multipurpose
education at the secondary stage was:
(B) Tarachand Commitee
107 By the constitutional amendment of …..”Education” was
placed on the concurrent list.
(C) 1976
108 “ No child below the age of 14 years shall be employed to
work”.. is mentioned in of Indian constitution.
(B) Article 45
109 NCERT is it’s publication documents on, ‘Social, Moral and
Spiritual values in Education (1979) ‘ had drawn up …
values to be inculcated through education.
(B) 84
110 Manpower planning is highly influenced by the pattern of
? (D) Migration
111 Which plants originated form Mesozoic era? (A) Origin of Angiosperms
112 Sphenopsida plants originated form which period? (C ) Devonian
113 Lyginopteris was a fossil plant of : (C ) Pteridophyte
114 The place where fossil are available (C) Thiruvakarai
115 Petrification fossil: (A) shows external and internal
116 Trabaculated endodermis is seen in (D) Selaginella
117 The male gametophte has two prothallial cells found in: (B) Coniferales

118 Which of the following statements is not true for
(D) Absence of Resin canals
119 The Ovules, male strobili of Ginkgo begin in the month of
…. , and pollination takes place in the month of ……….
(B) April , May
120 Name the term, the vascular bundles of the integument
enters the stonylayer at the base through two pores:
(A) formia ?
121 Conflict between two negative goals is (A) Avoidance - Avoidance
122 The Goal of Educational Innovation is (A) Positive Change in Learning
123 Which Ashram presents “ Ideal of Human Unity”? (C ) Ari Aurobindo Ashram
124 Who first advocated that “ Women are equal to men” in
(A) Vivekanandar
125 The Preamble of the Indian constitution describes one of
the principles as follows:
(A) Equality
126 Compound spadix inflorescence found in (A) Pandanus = Screwpine
127 The development of first foliage leaves after seed
(A) Cotyledonary leaf
128 Muskmelon is a……………. fruit. (C) Pepo
129 Wind pollinated plants differ form insect pollinated plants
in having:
(B) No petals and light pollen
130 The nuclear fusion which is characteristics of sexual
reproduction is known as
(A) amphimixis
131 Succession beginning in dry situations are termed: (D) Xerosere
132 The study of freshwater habitat is called: (D) Limnology
133 In Raunkiaer frequency classes, class A refers to frequency
percentage of :
(D) 1-20
134 The lowest layer of atmosphere in which living organism
operate is called:
(B) Troposphere
135 Carex lapponica is a: (B) circumpolar species
136 Glycoproteins of ribophorine ( I and II) are found in: (B) Rough endoplasmic Reticulum
137 In Chlorplast protein, stroma protein represents: ( C ) 50 %
138 During mitotic cell division, in which stage mixing of
Nucleoplasm with cytoplasm take place:
(A) Prophase
139 What is the length of 1pg of DNA? (B) 31 c.m
140 Alternative forms of the same gene: (C ) Allele
141 ……… developed his theory of identical elements to explain
transfer of learning
(D) Thorndike ?
142 ……….involves higher order cognition in the interpretation
of sensory information.
(C) Sensation
143 I. Problem solving ability improves with age.
II. This improves in terms of both speed and accuracy.
(D) I and II are correct
144 Trial and Error theory was given by: (B) Edward L. thorndike
145 Ebbinghaus experiment is related to (A) Curve of Memory
146 Hallet and Rimpau are methods of (B) Mass selection
147 The term “ Heterosis” was proposed by: (C ) G.H.Shull
148 In India, the first Gamma garden was opened at: (A) Bose Research Institute, Calcutta
149 Nullisomic is a condition of (B) Aneuploidy
150 Exonuclease removed nucleotides form: (B) 3’ end of double stranded DNA

Last edited by Neelurk; March 2nd, 2020 at 11:23 AM.
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