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July 3rd, 2014, 02:59 PM
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Re: I want Common Admission Test past or last year question papers

As you want to get the Common Admission Test past or last year question papers so here is the information of the same for you:

Some content of the file has been given here:

Directions Q. 1 to 5: Select the option that best
replaces the underlined part.
1. British Airspace has been focusing on building
European links.
a. concentrating on creating European links
b. pursuing ways of building European
c. stressing on building European links
d. focusing on forging European links
2. I think Ronnie had something useful to say,
however, he was unable to communicate his
viewpoint to a sceptical audience.
a. he did not change the minds of a
knowledgeable public
b. the people were willing to accept his ideas
c. he failed to convince a suspicious
d. he could not convince the doubting
3. The eighth-century revival of Byzantine
learning is an inexplicable phenomenon, and
its economic and military precursors have yet
to be discovered.
a. a phenomenon yet to be discovered
b. a phenomenon incompletely explained.
c. an inexplicable phenomenon
d. an unidentifiable phenomenon.
4. Bureaucrats may also well be advised to deal
with service headquarters as representatives of
the government and not behave as their bosses.
a. may also well be advised
b. should know their limits when they have
c. may have to remember
d. may need to learn how
5. Many people mistake familiar for a vulgar
style, and suppose that to write without
affectation is to write a random speed.
a. is to write at random
b. is to write randomly
c. is to write fast
d. is to do speed writing.

Directions for Q. 6 to 15: Fill in the blanks of the
following sentences using the most appropriate word
or words.
6. In pursuance of their decision to resist what
they saw as anti-labour policies, the company
employee’s union launched agitation to
a. show their virility
b. reaffirm their commitment to the company
c. bring down the government
d. demonstrate their strength
7. The safest general characterisation of the
European philosophical tradition as it has
developed up to now, with all its diverse
proponents, is that it consists of a Plato.
a. series of footnotes to
b. set of prologues to
c. collection of chapters on
d. string of commentaries to
8. The interest generated by the soccer World
Cup is __________ compared to the way
cricket ___________ the nation.
a. milder, fascinates
b. lukewarm, electrifies
c. tepid, inspires
d. unusual, grips
9. No doubt, it was our own government but it
was being run on borrowed ideas, using
________ solutions.
a. worn out
b. second hand
c. impractical
d. appropriate
10. The telephone symbolises that awkward
_______ in all communication technologies;
while it __________ to bring us together, it
keeps us apart.
a. paradox, needs
b. irony, intends
c. paradox, tries
d. irony, wishes
11. Simple arithmetic tells us that there is more
___________ than____________.
a. imitation, innovation
b. improvisation, improvement
c. impracticality, knowledge
d. improbability, probability
12. To a greater or lesser degree all the civilised
countries of the world are made up of a small
class of rulers, _________ and of a large class
of subjects, ___________.

a. formed by a small minority, who are
b. powerfully corrupt, pointless crusaders.
c. corrupted by too much power, corrupted
by too much passive obedience.
d. who are ruled, who ruled.
13. Science is a sort of news agency comparable
________ to other news agencies.
a. Principally
b. in principle
c. in principal
d. in spirit and form
14. Most political leaders acquire their position by
causing a large number of people to believe
that these leaders are ___________ by
altruistic desires.
a. Actuated
b. Convinced
c. Categorized
d. Led
15. Every one will admit that swindling one’s
fellow beings is a necessary practice; upon it is
based really sound commercial success:
a. sell what you cannot buy back
b. buy what you will sell to another at a
higher price.
c. buy cheap and sell dear
d. sell what you can: do not buy from a

Directions Q. 16 to 20:
Arrange sentences A, B, C, D between sentences 1 and
6 to form a logical sequence of six sentences.
16. Arrange sentences A, B, C, D between
sentences 1 and 6 to form a logical sequence
of six sentences.
1. Why are horses the same?
A. It may be old and lame, and in time it will
B. A particular horse ‘flows’, naturally.
C. But there is something all horses have in
D. You probably don’t think they are at all.
6. But the ‘form’ of the horse is eternal and
17. Arrange sentences A, B, C, D between
sentences 1 and 6 to form a logical sequence
of six sentences.
1. Buddhism is a way to salvation.
A. But Buddhism is more severely analytical.
B. In the Christian tradition there is also a
concern for the fate of human society
conceived as a whole, rather than merely
as a sum or network of individuals.
C. Salvation is a property, or achievement, of
D. Not only does it dissolve society into
individuals; the individual in turn is
dissolved into component parts and
instants, a stream of events.
6. In modern terminology, Buddhist doctrine
is reductionist.
18. Arrange sentences A, B, C, D between
sentences 1 and 6 to form a logical sequence
of six sentences.
1. Matrilineal systems of land inheritance
advantaged women in many respects,
especially in granting them economic and
social security.
A. Women, in particular, were profoundly
affected by these changes.
B. The large joint family estates came to be
partitioned; there was an increasing
penetration of market forces and
patriarchal ideologies spread in influence.
C. These systems, however, did not remain
fixed over time.
D. Interventions by the colonial and postcolonial
states, and the processes of social
change which these set in motion, eroded
customary practices.
6. At the same time, their customary
exclusion from major authority in public
bodies meant that they were unlikely to be
the ones directing the changes.
19. Arrange sentences A, B, C, D between
sentences 1 and 6 to form a logical sequence
of six sentences.
1. The problem of improving Indian
agriculture is both a sociological and an
administrative one.
A. It also appears that there is a direct
relationship between the size of a state and

B. The issues of Indian development, and the
problems of India’s agricultural sector,
will remain with us long into the next
C. Without improving Indian agriculture, no
liberalisation and delicensing will be able
to help India.
D. At the end of the day, there has to be a
ferment and movement of life and action
in the vast segment of rural India.
6. When it starts marching, India will fly.
20. Arrange sentences A, B, C, D between
sentences 1 and 6 to form a logical sequence
of six sentences.
1. A market for Indian art has existed ever
since the international art scene sprang to
A. But interest in architectural concepts is an
unanticipated fallout of the festivals of
India of the ‘80s, which were designed to
increase exports of Indian crafts.
B. Simultaneously, the Indian elite discarded
their synthetic sarees and kitsch plastic
furniture, and a market came into being.
C. Western dealers, unhappy in a market
afflicted, by violent price fluctuations and
unpredictable profit margins, began to
look east, and found cheap antiques with
irresistible appeal.
D. The fortunes of the Delhi supremos, the
Jew Town dealers in Cochin and myriad
others around the country were made.
6. A-chain of command was established,
from the local contacts to the provincial
dealers and up to the big boys, who
entertain the Italians and the French,
cutting deals worth lakhs in warehouse
worth crores.

Directions: Q. 21 to 31:
Rearrange these parts to form a coherent paragraph.
A. However, the real challenge today is
unlearning, which is much harder.
B. But the new world of business behaves
differently from the world in which we
grew up.
C. Learning is important for both people and
D. Each of us has “mental model” that we’ve
used over the years to make sense.
A. A large number of intellectuals believe
that the North is using its military and
economic powers to force unequal
contracts on the South.
B. The make-believe ethical issue of the
sanctity of law camouflages the
unethicality of the entire transaction,
which is a travesty of the ethical concept
of the greatest good for the greatest
C. Once these contracts are made, the North
uses the facade of legality and ethics to
pindown the South.
D. Thus it suffers from the flaw that the law
— one of the useful means to implement
ethics — has fouled the ethicality of the
A. The fact the he could find absolutely
nothing to substantiate their wild claims
made no difference.
B. We always gave the poor man a cup of tea,
and he grew quite fond of some of the
C. The neighbours, now thoroughly
indignant, kept bombarding the local
health authorities.
D. On an average, twice a week, the poor
inspector was forced to come up to the
A. Alex had never been happy with his Indian

B. He set about rectifying this grave injustice
by making his house in his own image of a
country manor.
C. Fate had been unfair to him; if he had his
wish, he would have been a count or an
Earl on some English estate, or a medieval
monarch in a chateau in France.
D. This illusion of misplaced grandeur, his
wife felt, would be Alex’s undoing.
A. The influence is reflected the most in
beaded evening wear.
B. Increasingly, the influence of Indian’s
colours and cuts can be seen on western
C. And even as Nehru jackets and jodhpurs
remain staples of the fashion world,
designers such as Armani and McFadden
have turned to the sleek silhouette of the
churidar this year.
D. Indian hot pink, paprika and saffron
continue to be popular colours year in and
year out.
A. Such a national policy will surely divide
and never unite the people.
B. In fact, it suits the purpose of the
politicians; they can drag the people into
submission by appealing to them in the
name of religion.
C. In order to inculcate the unquestioning
belief they condemn the other states which
do not follow their religion.
D. The emergence of the theocratic states
where all types of crimes are committed in
the name of religion, has revived the
religion of the Middle Ages.
A. His left hand concealed a blackjack, his
right hand groped for the torch in his
B. The meeting was scheduled for the nine
o’clock, and his watch showed the time to
be a quarter to nine.
C. The man lurked in the corner away from
the glare of the light.
D. His heart thumped in his chest, sweat
beads formed themselves on his forehead,
his mouth was dry.
A. The Director walked into the room and
took a look around the class.
B. Mitch wanted to scream - the illogicality
of the entire scene struck him dumb.
C. The managers stared at him with the look
of fear that no democratic country should
tolerate in its people.
D. Mitch walked out of the room - it was his
irrevocable protest against an insensible
and insensitive situation.
A. The establishment of the Third Reich
influenced events in American history by
starting a chain of events which
culminated in war between Germany and
the United States.
B. The Neutrality Acts of 1935 and 1936
prohibited trade with any belligerents or
loans to them.
C. While speaking out against Hitler’s
atrocities, the American people generally
favoured isolationist policies and
D. The complete destruction of democracy,
the persecution of Jews, the war on
religion, the cruelty and barbarism of the
allies, caused great indignation in this
country and brought on fear of another
World War.
A. An essay which appeals chiefly to the
intellect is Francis Bacon’s ‘Of Studies’.
B. His careful tripartite division of studies
expressed succinctly in aphoristic prose,

demands the complete attention of the
mind of the reader.
C. He considers studies as they should be; for
pleasure, for self-improvement, for
D. He considers the evils of excess study:
laziness, affectation, and precocity.
A. By reasoning we mean the mental process
of drawing an inference from two or more
statements or going from the inference to
the statements which yield that inference.
B. So logical reasoning covers those types of
questions which imply drawing an
inference from the problems.
C. Logic means, if we take its original
meaning, the science of valid reasoning.
D. Clearly, for understanding arguments and
for drawing the inference correctly it is
necessary that we should understand the
statements first.

Directions: 32 to 36. In each of the following
sentences the main statement is followed by four
sentences each. Select the pair of sentences that relate
logically with the given statement.
32. Either Mona is sick or she is careless.
A. Mona is not sick
B. Mona is not careless.
C. Mona is sick
D. Mona is careless.
a. AB
b. AD
c. BA
d. DC
33. Ram gets a swollen nose whenever he eats
A. Ram gets a swollen nose.
B. Ram does not eat hamburgers
C. Ram does not get a swollen nose
D. Ram eats hamburgers.
a. AB
b. DC
c. AC
d. BC
34. Either the employees have no confidence in
the management or they are hostile by nature.
A. They are hostile by nature
B. They are not hostile by nature.
C. They have confidence in the management
D. They have no confidence in the
a. BA
b. DC
c. AC
d. BC
35. Whenever Ram reads late into the night, his
father beats him up.
A. His father does not beat Ram.
B. Ram reads late into the night.
C. Ram reads early in the morning.
D. Ram’s father beats him in the morning.
a. CD
b. BD
c. AB
d. None of the above.
36. All irresponsible parents shout if their children
do not cavort.
A. All irresponsible parents do not shout.
B. Children cavort
C. Children do not cavort.
D. All irresponsible parents shout.
a. AB
b. BA
c. CA
d. All of the above.
DIRECTIONS for questions 37 to 40: Each question
has a set of four statements. Each statement has three
segments. Choose the alternative where the third
segment in the statement can be logically deduced
from the preceding two.
A. Some apples are sour; This fruit is an
apple; This fruit is sour.
B. Sita is a nurse; All nurses are tall women;
Gita is a tall woman.
C. Army officers are smart; Air force officers
are smart; Military officers are smart.
D. No animal likes fire; Aardvarks are
animals; Aardvarks do not like fire.
a. B only
b. C only
c. D only
d. None of these
A. No S is P; All X is S; No X is P

B. No S is P; All X is S; All X is P.
C. Some S is not P; Some X is S; Some X is
not P.
D. Some S is not P; All X is 5; All X is not P.
a. A only
b. A and B
c. C only
d. D only
A. No sun is not white; All moon is sun; All
moon is white.
B. All windows are open; No open space is
allocated; All window is closed space.
C. Some As can sleep late; Some Bs wake up
early; Some As wake up early.
D. No German can fire; All Americans
bombard; Both Germans and Americans
can fight.
a. A only
b. B only
c. C only
d. D only
A. All Ts are square; All square are
rectangular; All Ts are rectangular.
B. Some fat are elongated; Some elongated
things are huge; some fat are huge.
C. Idiots are bumblers; Bumblers fumble;
Idiots fumble.
D. Water is good for health; Health foods are
rare; Water is rare,
a. D only
b. C only
c. Both A & C
d. All of the above.

DIRECTIONS for questions 41 to 50: Read each of
the short passages given below and answer the
questions that follows it.
41. The Kolahal party had to fight the Golmal
party bitterly to win the mayoral elections.
One of the main features of its campaign was
that it would make public all the papers related
to a scandal during the regime of the Golmal
party. After the victory, however, the new
mayor got busy introducing many schemes,
both liked and not liked by the public. The
Golmal party made only mild protests but
refrained from tabling a serious no-confidence
motion in the council which it could have won
by obtaining the support of the independent
Which of the following statements, if true,
implies that the Kolahal party is blackmailing
the Golmal party?
a. The paper mentioned in the election
campaign are prepared and ready.
b. Some members of the public disliked the
reforms made by the new mayor.
c. People complained about collusion
between the two parties.
d. Independent members were not keen on
supporting the Golmal party.
42. Cellular phone services are being provided by
two companies in each telecom circle. These
companies were awarded the contracts based
on the licence fees they agreed to pay the
government and were selected on a
competitive basis. Cellular phone service
providers have found that their profits are
much less than they expected - in fact in most
cases they are losing money.
Which of the following can be inferred from
the above passage?
a. All the cellular phone service providers
have been operating inefficiently.
b. The government was wrong in allowing
private provision of cellular services.
c. Cellular service providers have been
unable to match performance to plan.
d. Paging services have eaten into the
revenue of the cellular services.
43. Organisations are often defined as groups of
people who come together to pursue a
common goal. But more often than not, goals
diverge as much as they converge, making the
rationality of the overall organisation no more
than an elusive ideal. Beneath the collective
irrationality, however, organisations are often
operating in a way that is eminently rational
from the standpoint of the individuals, groups
and coalitions directly involved.
Which of the following can be inferred from
the above passage?
a. If all employees of an organisation pursue
their individual goals, one can never have
an organisation that behaves rationally.
b. Although conceptually an organisation
may appear to be irrational — behaviours
of individuals, groups and coalitions in the
organisation may be rational.
c. As individuals, groups or coalitions in an
organisation pursue their own interests, the
conceptual issues of rational behaviour get
d. Since people are essentially irrational, the
ideal of building a rational organisation is

44. BSE officials point out that ever since on-line
trading took off, surveillance isn’t difficult any
more. Sophisticated software has been
installed for continuous monitoring of stock
prices. If that is so, how could the unnatural
spurt in prices of operator-driven stock go
unnoticed? There does not seem to be regular
checks or supervision.
Which of the following can be inferred from
the above passage?
a. The software used at BSE is not as
sophisticated as it is claimed to be.
b. The operators can drive stock prices crazy
irrespective of the kind of software
c. Nobody can ever predict how stock prices
move in the market.
d. Having the infrastructure in place is one
thing, but proper utilisation is another.
45. At a movie theatre in Bangalore, last year, the
proprietor decided to sell about one-third of
his total balcony capacity on the Internet. The
response was tremendous. One every new
release, the entire on-line capacity was sold
out. Today, there are at least 2 million
educated and well-heeled consumers in India
who are ordering everything from cinema
tickets to paan and tennis racquets to shirts
from the comfort of their offices or homes.
Which of the following can be inferred from
the above passage?
a. There is a growing breed of computersavvy
consumers in Bangalore.
b. It is more comfortable to purchase movie
tickets through the Internet.
c. A retailing revolution is underway in India
with the advent of the Internet.
d. The proprietor of the theatre can profitably
decide to sell all the balcony tickets
through the Internet.
46. The dominant modern belief is that the
soundest foundation of peace would be
universal prosperity. One may look in vain for
historical evidence that the rich have regularly
been more peaceful than the poor, but it can be
argued that they have never felt secure against
the poor; that their aggressiveness stemmed
from fear; and that the situation would be quite
different if everybody were rich.
It can be inferred from the above passage that:
a. Most aggression in the world stems from
the desire of the haves to defend
themselves against the have-nots.
b. Prosperity as foolproof measure of peace
can no longer be accepted.
c. Both a and b.
d. Neither a nor b.
47. The effect produced on the mind by travelling
depends entirely on the mind of the traveller
and on the way in which he conducts himself.
The chief idea of one very common type of
traveller is to see as many objects of interest as
he possible can. If he can only after his return
home say that he has seen such and such a
temple, castle, picture gallery, or museum, he
is perfectly satisfied. Far different is the effect
of travels upon those who leave their country
with minds prepared by culture to feel
intelligent admiration for all the beauties of
nature and art to be found in foreign lands.
When they visit a new place, instead of
hurrying from temple to museum to picture
gallery, they allow the spirit of the place to
sink into their minds, and only visit such
monuments as the time they have at their
disposal allows them to contemplate without
irreverent haste.
It can be inferred from the above passage that:
a. The writer prefers the second type of
b. The first type of traveller is the lay
traveller who does not understand the
worth of any place he travels to
c. The objective of the second type of
traveller is not to see much, but to see
d. All of the above.
48. Whether we look at the intrinsic value of our
literature. or at the particular situation of this
country, we shall see the strongest reason to
think that of all foreign tongues the English
tongue is that which would be the most useful
to our native subjects.
It can be inferred that.
a. The speaker is a die-hard colonist.
b. The speaker has the good of the nation at
c. The speaker is addressing an issue related
to a-colonial empire.
d. None of the above.
49. Where the film Bombay loses out is where
every commercial film congenitally goes away
- becoming too simplistic to address serious
issues and failing to translate real life to reel.
Based on the information in the passage, it can
be inferred that:
a. The film’s director aimed at recreating real
life on the silver screen.
b. The film was too simplistic for the
audience’s taste.
c. The film was successful in spite of its
d. None of the above.

50. Aspiration is nothing new. Neither is the
debate over what the Indian middle class is,
what it wants and what it buys. Since the mid-
80s, that has been the focus of the economic
policy papers, so called pro and anti-poor
budgets and marketing strategies that have
successfully broken the barrier to urban selling
and reached deeper into rural India with
increasing income levels and aspirations.
Based on the above passage it can be inferred
a. The Indian middle class has been the focus
of economic policies for along time.
b. The Indian middle class has graduated
from being the ‘deprived’ middle class to
the ‘pampered’ middle class.
c. Both a and b.
d. Neither a nor b.

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