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University of Kashmir-Faculty of education Entrance Education Exam paper

Can you give me question paper for University of Kashmir-Faculty of education Entrance Education Examination ?

Here I am giving you question paper for University of Kashmir-Faculty of education Entrance Education Examination in PDF file attached with it so you can get it easily..

9 . During the Buddhist period Pabbajja ceremony was performed at the time of :
(A) Admission (B) Death
(C) Btuth @) None ofthe above
10. During the Muslim period in India Maktaba System was associated with :
(A) Primaryeducation (B) Secondaryeducation
(C) Highereducation (D) Womeneducation
1 l. [,ord Macaulay as a law member came to India in the year :
(A) 182s (B) 1828
(c) 1832 @) 1834
three lJniversities recommended by Wood's Despatch ( 1854)'werestablished
in the year :
(A) 18s0
(c) r8s6
I 3. Wardha Scheme of Education (1937) recommended :
(A) Free amd compulsory primary education
(B) Mother tongue as a medium of Instruction
(C) F'.mphasis on craft centered education
(D) All thc three above
14. Who among the lbllou'ing was thc chairman of Calcutta University Commission
( l e l 7 - 1 e ) ' ?
(A) Lord Curzon
(C) WilliamBenetick
15. Dr. RadhaKrishnanwasthechairmanof:
(A) UniversityEducationCommission(19a8-49)
(B) SecondaryEducationCommission(1952-53)
(C) IndianEducationConmission (1964-66)
(D) National Policy on Education (1986)
(B) l8s4
(D) 1857
(B) Michael Sadler
@) I-ordRipon

M.A. Education/B
I . "Education is the preparation of complete living for future" said by :
(A) Aristotle G) plato
(C) Spencer (D) Montessori
2' John Dewey's experimental school was opened in the University of Chicago in the
year: (
(A) 1880 @) 18e0
(c) t8e2 (D) 1896
3. Which among the fbllowing is not the work of John Dewey ?
(A) My Pedagogic Crecd
(B) 'l-he
School and the Society
(C) Democracy and i:ducation
(D) Emile
(B) I{awalpindi
(D) Punjab
5. 'fl-rc
Secrets ofthc Self i,r,'as rvritten bv :
(A) Froebel
(C) Iqbal
6. (iitaniali thc world lamous work was r.witten by :
(A) Plato
(C) 'liagorc
(B) Tagore
(D) Zakirllussain
Gl) Aristotlc
(D) Rousseau
7 . Which among the lollowing is the oldest veda ?
(A) I{igVeda G) AtharvaVeda
(C) Sam Veda (D) yajurVeda
8. The Caste System was emerged in India during the :
(A) Vedic Period (B) Brahmanic period
(C) BuddhistPeriod @) Ivtuslimperiod
16. Lakeshman Swami Mudaliar was the Vice Chancellor of :
(A) CalcuttaUniversity
@) BenarasHindut,tniversity
(C) MadrasUniversity
(D) AligarhMuslimUniversitv
17 . common School System of education in India was recommended by :
(A) UniversiryEducationCommission (194g-49)
(B) Secondary Education Commission (1952-53)
(C) IndianEducationCommission(1964-66)
(D) All the three above
I 8 ' Operation black-board scheme as recommended by National Policy on education
(1986) is related with :
(A) Pre-Primaryeducation (B) primaryeducation
(c) Secondary education (D) Ilighereducation
19. "Our Secondary Education remains the weakest link in our educational machinery
and needs urgent reform" observed by :
(A) RadhakrishnanCommission (B) MudiliarCommission
(C) Kothari Commission (D) None ofthe above
20 . Which objective among the following was not recommcndcd by Secondary Frlucation
Commission regarding secondary education in India ?
(A) Developmentofdemocraticcitizenship
(B) Developmentofpersonaliq,
(C) Development ofqualities for leadership
(D) Achieving Social and National Integration.
2l . Which among the following is tire defect of curriculum at the secondary education
level in India ?
(A) Narrowlyconcieved G) Bookishandtheoretical
(C) Dominationbyexamination (D) All oftheabove
22. To leam while eaming and dignity ofhuman labour is mainly related with :
(A) Pre-Primaryeducation @) primaryeducation
(C) Vocational education (D) Highereducation
23. "A University stands for humanism, for tolerance, for reason, for the adventure of
ideas and for the search fortruth" is :
(A) EamestBaker'sview
(C) JawaharLalNehru'sview
24. Teaching, research and extension are the fi.rnctions of :
(A) .Pre-Primaryeducation
(C) Secondary education
Lack of quality control is the main problem of :
(A) Pre-Primarycducation
(C) Highereducation
(A) 'l'hree categories
(C) Five categories
(B) BruceTruscof'svierv
(D) None ofthe abovc
(B) Primaryeducation
@) Highereducation
Gf) Prima:yeducation
(D) All ofthe abovc
(B) Currningheun's vtew
(D) Allpo('sview
Gf) Fourcategories
(D) Six calcgorics
(B) 23rd March
(D) 16 Septernbcr
26. Which among the following is responsible fbr augmentation of resourccs at highcr
education level ?
(A) F'ee collcction from students 0l) Donations
(C) Both (A) and (B) (I)) None ol'the abovc
27 . "Anlthing which is able to satisly ahuman want becomes thercby avalue" is :
(A) Brubacher'sview
(C) I{enderson's view
28. L,. Spranger, a German philosopher has classified values into :
29. 'fhe living components of natural environmcnt are rclated with :
(A) Bioticcomponents
(B) Abiotic componcnts
(C) Both (A) and (B) above
@) None oi(A) and (B) from above
30. Environment day is celebrated on :
(A) 28th February
(C) 5thJune
3 i . Auguste Comte, a French philosopher coined the term :
(A) Psychology
(C) Philosophy
@) Sociology
(D) Crimonology
(B) Durkhiem
@) George Payne
(tl) Buildings
(D) Uelielb
32. "Educational Sociology starts with the assumption that education is an activity which
goes on in society, and the society in tum determines the nature ofeducation" defined
b y :
33. Culture has bcen derived from the latin word 'cultura' which ffleans :
(A) totill (B) roculrivare
(C) both (A) and (13) (D) None ofthc abovc
34. Which one zilnong the following is not included in material culture ?
(A) John-Dewey
(C) Ouoway
(A) ltoads
(C) Bridges
Who among the lbllowing de{ines social change as "changes in thc social structure
and social relationships o1'the society" ?
(A) KingsleyDavis
(C) I lorlon and Flunt
Educalion is an :
(A) Agent ofsocial chzrngc
(i]) Instrumentofsocialchange
(C) ilftbctofsocialchange
(D) All ofthc above
37 . Which among thc lollorving is not a cause of poverfy ?
(A) Populationexplosion
(B) Illiteracy
(C) Bconomicbackwardness
M.E. Jones
Karl Marx
3 8. As per the Census 20 1 1 the literacy of India was :
(A) 73.2s @) 74.04
(c) 7s.64 (D) 77.23
39. UNICEF denotes as :
(A) UnitedNations Integrated Children's Emotional Fund
@) - UnitedNations Intemational Children's Educational Fund
(C) IjnitedNations Intemational Children's Economic Fund
@) None ofthe above
40. Which factor among the following is responsible for social change ?
(A) Political (B) Economic
(C) Social (D) All ofthe above
41. Productiviry prices and profits are related with :
(A) Social factor (B) Ilconomic lirctor
(C) Racial factor @) Nonc ofthe abovc
42. Excessive use ofAlcohol mainly eftbcts :
(A) Liver
(C) Lungs
'fhomdike is associatcd with :
(A) liial and Errortheory
@) Classicalconditioningtheory
(C) Insightlirltheory
(D) None ofthe above
44. Ivan P Pavlov was a :
(A) RussianPsychologist
(C) GermanPsychologist
(B) Stomach
(D) Kidney
@) AmericanPsychologist
fD) None ofthe above
45. In Classical Conditioning leaming theory Pavlov conducted experiment on :
(A) Cats (B) Dogs
(C) Pigeons (D) Rats
46. Insightful leaming rvas propounded by :
(A) Kohleretal G) lhomdike
(C) Pavlov (D) Skinner
47 . I.Q is calculated by :
* tOo
x 100 \_/ MA
@) None ofthe above
48. 'Iwo
Factor theory of Intelligence was developed by :
(A) Thomdike (B) Spearman
(C) Guilford (D) Thurstone
49. Which attribute among the following is not associated with multifactor theory of
(A) kvcl
(C) Memory
50. which intelligence theory among the following was given by L.t.. Thurstone ?
(A) 'fwo
lactortheory of intelligence
(B) Multi factortheoryofintelligence
(C) Group factortheoryof intelligence
(D) All ofthe above
M A x C A (c)
5l . Emst Kretschmer was a :
(A) GermanPsychiatrist
(C) FrenchPsychiatrist
(B) Range
(D) Area
(B) AmericanPsychiatrisl
(D) Russian Psychiatrist
52. Sheldon classified human beings into :
(A) Two categories
(C) Four categories
5 3 . Cardinal trait of personality was given by :
(A) G.WAllport
(O) C.G. Jung
54. Carl Rogers has devised :
(A) Traittheory
(C) Selftheory
60. Idealist Philosophybelieves in :
(A) Action
(C) Mind
(B) Three categorres
@) Five categories
@) R.B. Cattell
(D) H.J. Eysenck
(B) Factortheory
@) Typetheory
@) Activity
(D) None ofthe above

Last edited by Neelurk; February 12th, 2020 at 03:43 PM.
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