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February 9th, 2012, 01:51 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2012

I am studying 7th standard from CBSE board. Now I am doing my exam preparation so I need sample question papers for Maths . Please provide me the link from where I can download it.

As you are looking for question papers of Class 7th Exam of CBSE Board, so here I am providing following paper:

CBSE Board Class 7th Exam Paper (English)
I. Read the following passage carefully. (5 M)
Nepal, a small, mountainous country tucked between India and China, may seem completely foreign to many Americans. Cows walk down busy streets unharmed, 24 different languages are spoken, and people eat two meals of rice and lentils every day. Nepali holidays, many of which are related to the Hindu religion, can seem especially bizarre to Americans unfamiliar with the culture. However, if we look beyond how others celebrate to consider the things they are celebrating, we find surprising similarities to our own culture.
The biggest holiday in Nepal is Dashain, a ten-day festival for the Hindu goddess Durga that takes place in September or October. According to Hindu beliefs, Durga defeated the evil
demons of the world. To thank the goddess, people visit temples in her honor and sacrifice goats or sheep as offerings. Throughout the year, most Nepalis do not eat much meat because it is expensive, but Dashain is a time to enjoy meat every day. Children fly colorful, homemade kites during Dashain.
People also construct enormous bamboo swings on street corners and in parks. Every evening people gather at these swings and take turns swinging. Nepalis say that by swinging, people can relieve the earth of their weight, if only for a few minutes out of the year. Dashain is a time for people to eat good food, relax, and enjoy themselves!
Aside from eating and enjoying themselves, during Dashain people also receive blessings from their elders. Schools and offices shut down so people can travel to be with their families. Reuniting with family reminds people of the importance of kindness, respect, and
forgiveness. People also clean and decorate their homes for Dashain. And, like many holidays in the United States, it is a time for shopping. Children and adults alike get new clothes for the occasion.
People express appreciation for all that they have, while looking forward to good fortune and peace in the year to come. During American holidays, people may not sacrifice goats or soar on bamboo swings, but we do often travel to be with family members and take time off work or school to relax. No matter how we celebrate, many people around the world spend their holidays honoring family, reflecting on their blessings, and hoping for good fortune in the future.
Based on your reading and understanding of the passage given above, choose the right answer from the options.
1) According to the passage, Hindus believe that the goddess Durga
A. sacrifices goats and sheep
B. defeated the evil demons of the world
C. visits temples
D. enjoys meat every day

2) Which of the following sentences from the passage best indicates why the author thinks Nepal would seem very foreign to many Americans? A. “Cows walk down busy streets unharmed, 24 different languages are spoken, and people eat two meals of rice and lentils every day.”
B. “Every evening people gather at these swings and take turns swinging.”
C. “People also clean and decorate their homes for Dashain.”
D. “During American holidays, people may not sacrifice goats or soar on bamboo swings, but we do often travel to be with family members and take time off work or school to relax.”
3) As used in paragraph 1, bizarre most nearly means
A. unbelievable
B. unknown
C. awkward
D. strange
4) The colorful kites and bamboo swings are both used as examples of
A. ways people relax and enjoy themselves during Dashain
B. things people honor and reflect on during Dashain
C. offerings to the goddess Durga
D. ways people reunite with family during Dashain

5) The author suggests that although people in different cultures celebrate holidays differently, one similarity is that many people
A. ask for blessings from their elders during holidays
B. agree that holidays reveal a lot about a culture
C. believe that holidays must be celebrated
D. think of holidays as a time to spend with their families

CBSE Board Class 7th Exam Paper (English)

Last edited by Anuj Bhola; October 25th, 2019 at 11:44 AM.
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February 20th, 2017, 01:59 PM
Guest User
Re: cbse question papers for class 7

My cousin brother is in class 7 of CBSE Board. He said me to download question papers of class 7th exam but I don’t know from where I can download. So will you provide link to download question papers for class 7th exam of CBSE Board?

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